Category: Education

Three Students named University Innovation Fellows

Kyle Ludwig
Kyle Ludwig at the 2016 Bob Mark Elevator Pitch Competition

Three Michigan Tech students are among 169 students from 49 higher education institutions worldwide to be named University Innovation Fellows.

The three Tech students are Rachel Kolb, Kyle Ludwig, and Adam Weber.

The University Innovation Fellows program empowers students to become agents of change at their schools. Fellows work to ensure that their peers gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to compete in the economy of the future and make a positive impact on the world. To accomplish this, the Fellows advocate for lasting institutional change and create opportunities for students to engage with innovation, entrepreneurship, design thinking and creativity at their schools.

Fellows design innovation spaces, start entrepreneurship organizations, host experiential learning events and work with faculty to develop new courses.

Kolb says she is excited to be named a University Fellow as well.

It’s such a unique opportunity through which I can help induce change on the Michigan Tech Campus—something I now recognize as an important part of our success as an educational institution.

The third-year mechanical engineering major from Alma, Michigan described the process of becoming a University Innovation Fellow.

Read more at Tech Today, by Mark Wilcox.

Michigan Tech Students to Compete in the Accelerate Michigan Innovation Competition

The Accelerate Michigan Innovation Competition is one of the largest business competitions in the country celebrating its seventh year highlighting the best and brightest early-stage business to regional investors. The competition continues to showcase the state as a powerhouse for business opportunity and the next generation of technology.

Out of the 27 semi-finalists that were selected to compete for up to $20,000 in cash prizes, two of the teams were from Michigan Tech and both have ties to the Pavlis Honors College. Kyle Ludwig, a University Innovation Fellow and PHC Custom Pathway student, is a member of the team of student founders for Tru, which is developing tools to enable healthy meal planning.

Read more at the Pavlis Honors College Blog.

Tech Students Named University Innovation Fellows

Rachel Kolb
Rachel Kolb, Rising Star of the Year

Congratulations to Rachel Kolb, Kyle Ludwig, and Adam Weber who have been named University Innovation Fellows (UIF) by Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design ( This global program trains student leaders to create new opportunities for their peers to engage with innovation, entrepreneurship, design thinking and creativity.

Rachel, Kyle and Adam were sponsored by Pavlis Honors College Assistant Dean, Mary Raber. The Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship will fund the Fellows’ six week online training along with their travel to the annual University Innovation Fellows Silicon Valley Meetup in March of 2017.

Read more at the Pavlis Honors College Blog.

Information Session on BS in Engineering Management

Engineering ManagementConsider attending the information session on the bachelor of science degree in engineering management. This is a new major at Michigan Tech.

  • Great degree for those who have an interest in both the technical and business sides of a company
  • Option for primary or dual degree (ME-EM, CEE, MSE and others with approximately 33-42 credits more)
  • Fastest growing major in the School of Business and Economics
  •  Increased interest by employers coming to the Career Fair
  • Participate to learn more about the BSEM even if you have declared it as a major

The session is at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016, in Academic Offices Building room 101.

Contact Dana Johnson or Jodie Filpus-Paakola with questions.

By Dana Johnson, School of Business and Economics.

First-Year Engineering Lecture Fall 2016: Susan B. Kiehl

First year engineering students attended a lecture on September 13, 2016, in the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts. This year’s speaker was Susan B. Kiehl, Vice President of Product Development, Integrated Fighter Group, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics.

Her talk was entitled Future Smart or “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” The talk was introduced by Jon Sticklen, Chair, Engineering Fundamentals, and Wayne D. Pennington, Dean, College of Engineering. There was a reception for Susan B. Kiehl.

On Friday, September 23, Susan Kiehl had a wrap up session with the first year students.


Susan B. Kiehl
Susan B. Kiehl
Future Smart
Future Smart
Attendees at the Rozsa Center
Attendees at the Rozsa Center
Questions After the Lecture
Questions After the Lecture
Reception for Susan B. Kiehl
Reception for Susan B. Kiehl
Wrap Up Session
Wrap Up Session

Presenters Needed for Water Festival

World Water DayPresenters are sought for a water festival for students in grades four through eight. The festival takes place on Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2016, at Michigan Tech’s Great Lakes Research Center.

Consider being a presenter and sharing your expertise and passion for the Great Lakes and STEM careers.

A total of 20 presenters are needed for the 8:45 to 11:35 a.m. Morning Session and 20 presenters for the Afternoon Session, noon to 2:55 p.m. Those interested can present at either or both sessions.

If interested in presenting, reply at your earliest convenience via email to Joan Chadde or call the office at 7-3341.

Tell us your topic, a short description (2-3 sentences) and if you’re available morning, afternoon or both.

Read more at Tech Today, by Joan Chadde.

Enrollment Up for Engineering

EngineeringMichigan Tech submitted its official fall enrollment figures to the state last night.

Undergraduate enrollment totaled 5,827. New first-year undergraduate enrollment rose 8 percent over last year with 1,580 students starting classes last week, 119 more than last year. This is the largest incoming undergraduate first-year class since 1983.

Majors in computer science, general engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering technology and forestry saw some of the biggest gains. The academic profile of the entering class has never been higher, with an average ACT composite score of 27.2, compared to 26.8 last year. And Michigan Tech has never had a more domestically diverse undergraduate entering class, with 9 percent of this year’s entering class composed of underrepresented populations.

Read more at Michigan Tech News, by Jennifer Donovan.

STEM Outreach Influences Engineers

MySanAntonio, a web site featuring news about San Antonio, Texas, people, published an article about Melanie McCoy, an engineer and the only female power and water supervisor in Texas. McCoy mentioned Michigan Tech’s Summer Youth Program and its influence on young people going into STEM fields. Read the article here.

From Tech Today.

Sebewaing supervisor is only woman to hold such position in state

“Back then, and even now, there are very few female engineers. That is a shame — it’s an open field (for jobs) for everyone,” she said. “The focus now is to get more girls and woman interested in STEM academics and in engineering jobs.”

An education in STEM classes can go for engineering, manufacturing, agriculture, chemical fields, among others.

“Engineering has some of the best jobs in the world. I love it,” McCoy said.

“Each summer, Michigan Tech (college) hosts a program on STEM for juniors and sophomore students,” said McCoy. “About 65 percent of those to attend the program go on to college.”

Read more at MySanAntonio, by Mary Drier.

Tech Forms TAPPI Chapter

TAPPI Informational Meeting Monday

Michigan Tech now has a chapter of the Technical Association of the Paper Products Industry (TAPPI), and it’s looking for members.

The first 15 students to sign up, will receive a waiver of the membership fee to the TAPPI national organization.

Aside from technology-based meetings, the chapter will organize critical thinking and leadership development activities with fun.

If you want to learn more, come to the next and final informational meeting 5:30 p.m. Monday (Sept. 12) in Chem Sci. 201. Some cookies and drinks will be provided.

For more information, contact Gerard T. Caneba (ChE), the TAPPI-MTU advisor.

From Tech Today, by TAPPI-MTU Chapter.

Tech Forms TAPPI Chapter

Michigan Tech now has a chapter of the Technical Association of the Paper Products Industry (TAPPI), and they’re looking for members.

The first 15 students to sign up will be provided with a waiver of the membership fee to the TAPPI national organization.

Aside from technology-­based meetings, the chapter will organize critical thinking and leadership development activities with fun.

If you want to learn more, come with your lunch to the first informational meeting  from 12:15 to 1 p.m. Tuesday (Sept. 6) in Chem Sci 201.

We might be able to provide some dessert and drinks. For more information, contact Gerard T. Caneba (ChE) the TAPPI­MTU advisor.

From Tech Today, by Chemical Engineering.

College of Engineering Named a Best Value School

Energy Day
Panel Discussion with Industry: Energy Day at Michigan Tech CareerFEST 2015

A web site called Best College Values has named 50 schools nationwide whose bachelor’s degree programs in engineering offer the best value education for their cost. Michigan Tech’s College of Engineering placed 24th on the list.

Best College Values calls itself an online resource for prospective college students who are seeking an education that is worth its cost. Programs chosen for this ranking must be of reputably high quality and affordable, providing a high return on investment.

“Michigan Tech carries above-average scores in each of our value ranking categories, which earns it its place as a top value Bachelor in Engineering school,” the web site says.

“It is encouraging to see our College of Engineering recognized by this established ranking system,” says Wayne Pennington, dean of Tech’s College of Engineering. “We know that our students perform extremely well in the job market and graduate studies, and this is reflected in the methodology that is employed for these rankings. Simply put, our students get good jobs that quickly repay their investment in their education. We are proud of that fact and continually strive to ensure that students are provided great value through sound, hands-on learning and the opportunity to participate at a meaningful level in a variety of projects as part of their Michigan Tech experience.”

The Best College Values web site explains the thinking behind its rankings: “While we believe that U.S. News and similar publications’ college rankings are valuable indicators of schools’ academic performance and reputations, we also believe that for the average prospective student seeking an education that will prepare them to enter the workforce, a number of other factors ought to be considered more heavily. Best College Values is thus dedicated to producing rankings built on composite scores based on affordability, financial outcomes after graduation and institutional reputation.”

See the rankings of the 50 schools here.

From Tech Today, by Jenn Donovan.

Faith Morrison Appointed Associate Dean of Graduate School

Faith MorrisonFaith Morrison (ChE) will serve Michigan Tech in the capacity of associate dean of the Graduate School beginning this semester. The position is half time, with Morrison continuing in her faculty role for the balance of her time.

Morrison will be involved in a number of projects in the Graduate School. A major project will be the development and implementation of university-level assessment of graduate student learning and graduate program review. She will also work to develop, implement and support efforts to attract and retain a diverse graduate student body and on other projects aimed at improving the graduate student experience at Michigan Tech.

Read more at Tech Today, by the Graduate School.

Presentations by NSF-funded Teachers Mentored by Engineering Grad Students

NSFSix Michigan teachers mentored by Michigan Tech grad students during a 6-week Summer Institute on Computational Tools and the Environment will present their research in a poster session from 1 to 3 p.m. tomorrow (Aug. 18) in the atrium of the Great Lakes Research Center.

The institute was sponsored by the National Science Foundation’s Research Experiences for Teachers program.

The poster session is the culmination of a six-week, intensive Summer Institute on Computational Tools and the Environment, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

The teachers were mentored by environmental engineering, chemical engineering, geological engineering and forestry graduate students as they conducted research on water quality, forestry management and life cycle assessment.

The graduate students also worked with the teachers to translate the results of their research into curriculum materials to be used in the teachers’ science and mathematics classes.

For more information, contact Alex Mayer,

From Tech Today, by Jenn Donovan.