Stories about Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences.

Lecture: Indigenous Cultural Elements of Keweenaw and Isle Royale

5On Tuesday, February 24, MTU Professor Emerita Susan Martin, expert on Prehistoric Archeology and ancient copper, will lead a discussion about ancient cultural elements of our region. She will be joined by Seth dePasqual, Cultural Resource Manager at Isle Royale National Park. The event is part of a monthly series of sessions on the Geoheritage and Natural History of the Keweenaw, at the Carnegie Museum in Houghton. The discussions are aimed at the general public, but discuss current research and science.

Pennington Named Dean of Engineering

Wayne Pennington has been named dean of the College of Engineering at Michigan Technological University, effective April 27, Provost Max Seel has announced.

“I am pleased to have Wayne serving in this position, and I look forward to working with him,” said Seel. “Under his leadership, the College of Engineering will move forward with the strategic plan, toward our goal of national prominence among the nation’s top public engineering schools.” 

World Water Day Activities at Michigan Tech

Article by Erika Vichcales, student writer, from Tech Today, Updated March 28, 2014

In recognition of World Water Day, Michigan Tech sponsored a variety of events through March 27. This year’s international event focuses on water and energy and the connections between them.

World Water Day was started by the United Nations to raise awareness about the problems surrounding water on our planet. The world is more than 70 percent covered in water, yet less than 1 percent is available for people to use.  

7th Annual D80 Conference

The D80 Conference is a celebration of our efforts to solve issues that confront the world’s poorest 80%. Together we are creating a better future: Learn. Engage. Contribute

The Michigan Tech campus hosts this annual conference in the fall every year to give a platform to the voices of university students serving communities-in-need both domestically and abroad. Our conferences highlight service and research work done by students from Michigan Tech and elsewhere, and are open to anybody interested in development, design, and delight for the poorest 80% of humanity. The public is always invited to join us. This year’s conference was held during Family Weekend at Michigan Tech so many of our D80 students can share their experiences, stories, and motivations with the people who support them the most. 2013 theme: Ensuring Environmental Sustainability

Students, Teachers Gather at Tech to Learn about Lake Superior

More than 200 teachers and students from Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Ontario came to Michigan Technological University for the 10th Biennial Lake Superior Youth Symposium. Students and teachers from 24 schools in three Great Lakes states and Canada spent four days at the symposium, Thursday to Sunday, May 16-19, 2013.
Read more in Michigan tech News Article

Click here for photos and all of the information, booklet list of Field Trip and Presentation Descriptions, etc.

World Water Day Events at Michigan Tech

The Michigan Tech Center for Water and Society celebrated World Water Day on Thursday, March 21 with a student poster competition. The posters covered different topics in water research occurring at Michigan Technological University. Posters were displayed on the 1st floor of the Great Lakes Research Center; CWS Faculty presented a showcase of CWS research, followed by A dinner in the Atrium overlooking the lake.

2013 Michigan Tech Center for Water and Society Award Winners
Original Research Category:
1st – Miles Corcoran
2nd – Julie A. Padilla
3rd – Jade E. Ortiz and Martin Hobmeier (Tie)

1st – Nancy Auer’s BL4465 Biological Oceanography class:

Photos of the award winners and all other presenters

Graduate Research Colloquium Feb 21-22

The Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC) was held on Feb 21-22, 2013. GRC was organized by the Graduate Student Government (GSG). Graduate students from all departments at Michigan Tech presented their research and ideas to other students and faculty in the form of oral or poster presentations. A group of judges that consists of faculty (and/or some invited members of industry) evaluated student’s presentations to award prizes to the best 1st, 2nd and 3rd presentations from each session (oral and poster). There are also three honorable mention awards given in both oral and poster presentation sessions.

Poster Awards: 1st place Poster: Anna N. Hess; 2nd Place Poster: Huan Yang; 3rd Place Poster: Colina Dutta;
Oral Presentation Award Winners: 1st Place Award: Joel Suss, 3rd Place Award: Bonnie Zwissler

The objective of the colloquium is to give graduate students an in-house opportunity to share and gain experience presenting their research with peers, professionals, and professors among campus.

Detailed feedback from judges will help students enhance their skills in presenting at conferences, as well as providing insights on research methods and techniques.

The Awards Banquet was held on Friday evening February 23. The Graduate School presented several annual awards, including the Exceptional Graduate Student Scholar Award given to Antonio Velazquez, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Outstanding Graduate Student Leader award went to Howard Haselhuhn of Chemical Engineering. The Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award for 2013 was given to Gregory P. Waite of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences. Recipients of Service Award were Jennifer Winikus,Tolga Yapici, and Abhishek Bhavalkar.

Click to see some of the Colloquium and Awards Banquet Photos

Graduate Research Colloquium on February 21 and 22: Presentation Booklet

For more information please visit http://gsg.students.mtu.edu/colloquium.html