Category: Snippets

H2 Bar Separator, H2 Graybar, and H2 Top Title Snippets

These snippets will create specially formatted H2-size headings. Bar Separator makes the text large with a gold bar beneath it and must be inserted in the left column of a 1/3 left 2/3 right Boxed Section snippet. Graybar includes a gray bar around the heading that goes across the entire content area. Top Title includes a line beneath the titles that goes across the entire content area.

Example of a Gold Bar Separator heading.



Video/360 Image Snippet

This snippet creates an embedded video or 360 image in your page’s main content area, additional content area, or right sidebar. To include a video at the very top of the page (known as the mediazone or hero area), follow the instructions for MultiEdit Content.

The size of the video/image will automatically adjust based on the location you insert it. A title and description can be included beneath it.

Example of an embedded video with a Title and Description.