These snippets will create specially formatted H2-size headings. Bar Separator makes the text large with a gold bar beneath it and must be inserted in the left column of a 1/3 left 2/3 right Boxed Section snippet. Graybar includes a gray bar around the heading that goes across the entire content area. Top Title includes a line beneath the titles that goes across the entire content area.
This snippet creates an embedded video or 360 image in your page’s main content area, additional content area, or right sidebar. To include a video at the very top of the page (known as the mediazone or hero area), follow the instructions for MultiEdit Content.
The size of the video/image will automatically adjust based on the location you insert it. A title and description can be included beneath it.
Creating faculty/staff listings involves a few steps. First, you must create a Personnel Information for each person. If you are including an employee who is already listed in another department, you will still create the page, but you will pull in content from the other listing. Once that is created you will be able to add people to the listing pages.
This snippet creates an <h2> heading with a line below it going across the whole region. It provides the ability to include buttons to the right, if desired. You can insert the Social Icons snippet to get the social media icons.
This snippet inserts linked social media icons onto the page. It is frequently used in the heading of the RSS Feed or Top Title with More Links snippets or in the Footer Social Icons region of the root props file.
This snippet has been replaced with the Accordion Snippet.
This snippet creates a space for adding content in the right sidebar with no additional special formatting. In the example below, the CpE Program section is a Sidebar Right: Box snippet and the ABET logo and bottom text are in a Sidebar Right: No Box snippet.
This snippet creates a shaded sidebar with a border and highlighted heading area.
This snippet creates a layout with an image or an image and text on the left and heading/text on the right. You can choose whether or not to wrap the text on the right around the left content and whether or not to include a horizontal rule on the last item in the snippet.