Additional breadcrumbs can be added preceding those for your site. This is commonly used on some general webpages, like the Faculty/Staff page including a breadcrumb to the Michigan Tech homepage or one of the CSA or COE departments including a breadcrumb back to the college homepage. This is only available in the _props.pcf file within the root folder for your site or the folder where navigation is restarted.
The Properties tab in the Page Actions Toolbar near the top of the page contains information about the page. You must have the page checked out to see all the options.
Whenever a page is saved or published, Modern Campus CMS keeps a record of the action. The page’s Log feature displays all the updates, saves, and publishes, whether manual, scheduled, or part of a directory or site publish, that have occurred for a specific page. This can sometimes be helpful in troubleshooting certain issues.
The Properties button in the Page Actions Toolbar near the top of the page contains information about the page. You must have the page checked out to you to see all the options.
There are two types of reminders available in the CMS that can be set for pages and files. They can be sent to a single user or a group, periodically or on a one-time basis, and to the user’s CMS Inbox only or also to their regular email. You can set reminders only for content you can access and only to yourself or to a group to which you belong. A reminder can be set even if the content is checked out to another user.
Reminders can be accessed from the left menu of the Properties screen or on the Pages List View in the More Actions menu under Edit.
The Properties button in the Page Actions Toolbar near the top of the page contains information about the page. You must have the page checked out to you to see all the options.
MultiEdit Content is where you will set up the header image if you have turned it on in the Parameters. Select the MultiEdit Content option from the left menu in the Properties screen or by using the MultiEdit button at the top of the page edit screen.
Creating faculty/staff listings involves a few steps. First, you must create a Personnel Information for each person. If you are including an employee who is already listed in another department, you will still create the page, but you will pull in content from the other listing. Once that is created you will be able to add people to the listing pages. A Quick Guide PDF is also available.
The Properties button in the Page Actions Toolbar near the top of the page contains information about the page. You must have the page checked out to you to see all the options.
The Page Parameters section, which can be selected from the left menu or in the Page Parameters Gadget, contains the following options.
The Forms asset within the CMS includes the ability for advanced functionality. This functionality may change on a frequent basis, so be sure to check back often for the latest information. If you have a specific form need that is not addressed with the current advanced features available, please contact
Some of the advanced functionality includes legends, additional classes, fieldsets, sizes, and prebuilt datasets. You can also set up a form to email different people depending on a certain radio button selection.
There are several assets created and maintained by University Marketing and Communications, described below, that can be used on your website. As the data included in these assets changes, we will update them and the updated information will automatically update on any pages where the asset is used. Check back as this list gets updated as new assets are added. Suggestions for new assets can be sent to These assets will all begin with [Global].
Assets are pieces of content that are saved in a central location that can be used on multiple pages or on multiple sites. If the asset content is changed that change is applied to all pages using it.
You can upload files to the CMS that can be linked to on a webpage. Types of files you can upload include audio, video, PDFs, Microsoft Office files, and more. These files have a size limit of 1GB each. After uploading, you must publish the file.
This process should not be used for images. Instead, use the Image Editor sidebar gadget.