Attending to intersectional differences also includes listening for what is not being discussed. For example, by their mid-40’s and early 50’s, many faculty cisgender women are in mid-career or senior positions but few are willing to talk about the impact of menopause on their careers. This week we highlight a recent synopsis in the Endocrinologist about studies of menopause at work. Women are often reluctant to admit menopausal symptoms for fear of career disadvantages related to ageism and gender stigma. Workplace conditions can impact the experience of symptoms so providing reasonable workplace adjustments, educating colleagues and supervisors, and including menopause in health policies are supportive measures. Addressing symptoms can be critical to workplace satisfaction and retention and can set women up for a post-menopausal surge of energy and focus.
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The ADVANCE Weekly Roundup is brought to you by ADVANCE at Michigan Tech, which is an NSF-funded initiative dedicated to improving faculty career success, retention, diversity, equity, and inclusion. These articles are available on the ADVANCE Newsblog ( To learn more about this week’s topic, our mission, programming efforts, and to check out our growing collection of resources, contact us at ( or visit our website: