ADVANCE Weekly Roundup: Documenting and Countering Biases Against Researchers in Systematically Marginalized Groups

This week we feature resources that discuss how to mitigate the impact of bias within our systems, policies, and practices. Individuals from systematically marginalized groups (SMGs) experience frequent and compounded undermining of their credibility, contributions, and inclusion that reduce persistence and success in academia. First, in terms of teaching, this valuable resource guide discusses how to foster inclusive classrooms..

Second, this article in AAAS cautions that most tenure and promotion reviews have not been updated to include proficiency in inclusive teaching and SMG service and largely ignore the biases that occur in publishing research (e.g., see Bias in Funding and Women Held to a Higher Publishing Standard).

The AAAS article recommends that the scientific community work together to level the playing field by engaging everyone in learning about bias, developing skills to acknowledge and interrupt biased thinking, intentionally providing constructive and fair feedback on proposals and papers, inviting collaborations with SMGs, intentionally citing and endorsing SMG publications, assisting with DEIS work, and rating service in this area as essential, valued, and impactful. At Michigan Tech, the best place to start is to attend the Allies and Advocates workshops.

Today’s feature was shared with us by Aurenice Oliveira and the ADVANCE PI team. If you have an article you think we should feature, please email it to and we will consider adding it to the ADVANCE Weekly Roundup.

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