Dean of Students Bonnie Gorman Retires

Dr. Bonnie Gorman, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, retired at the conclusion of the fall semester, ending a remarkable 24-year career at Michigan Tech.

During that time, she served in a number of key roles and collaborated with staff and students to launch Orientation Week, Make a Difference Day, Homecoming Cardboard Boats, the Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success and so much more. Bonnie was committed to student success both in and out of the classroom. Over the years, she implemented a variety of programs to help students prioritize their physical and mental health, grow as leaders, and be academically successful.

In 2014, Bonnie heard from students about their need for food assistance and within a year, she started the Husky FAN (Food Access Network).  The pantry continues to meet a critical need for students experiencing food insecurity, especially during this past year.

Bonnie is well known for her Meet the Dean of Students buttons which she distributed as a way to meet all incoming students each fall. #tenacity

Comment below to thank Bonnie for her service to Michigan Tech and share a memory.

Winter Carnival Memories

Winter Carnival began at Michigan Tech in 1922 and has been organized by Blue Key Honor Society since 1934.

With nearly 100 years of history, our students have built an amazing tradition that carries on.

The most recognizable aspect of Carnival is the building of snow statues around campus and community.

What are some of your favorite memories of Winter Carnival? What statues did you help build? Leave us a comment below!

Visit the Winter Carnival website for details and some of the history behind the event.

Show Us Your Husky Mask

Using our Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn channels back in December, we offered Michigan Tech Alumni a free mask in exchange for updating their contact info.

We’re happy to say that we’ve given out our entire supply of 1,500 masks!

Thanks to those alumni who shared photos of themselves with their masks. A gallery of photos we’ve seen is below.

Even though we’re out of masks, we encourage you to give us your updated contact information. We’ll be able to let you know about alumni reunion, future alumni events in your area or other things happening on campus. You can do so here.

If you’d like to purchase a Michigan Tech mask, they are available at University Images.

Alumni Snow Statue Contest

Calling all alumni! Participate in the most cherished of Michigan Tech traditions.

Here’s your chance to show your family and friends what an iron is really for. Or maybe you’ve had a great idea for a “snow” statue made out of something other than snow.

We know that nothing compares to snow in the Keweenaw. We also hold tightly to our Tech traditions like Winter Carnival. 

For Winter Carnival 2021, the Michigan Tech Alumni Board of Directors has partnered with Blue Key and Alumni Engagement to offer a “Snow” Statue Contest for alumni and their friends and families. 

The contest runs through January 31, 2021, with a midnight EST deadline. Judging begins after that, with winners announced on February 4.

There will be multiple categories for competition, accounting for a variety of materials that may be available to our alumni as well as multi-day and single day events.

Contest Rules

Contest runs January 1-31 with a midnight EST deadline. Participants must include at least one Michigan Tech alumnus/alumna


  • Snow Statue – 24 Hour
  • Snow Statue – Multi-day
  • Other Material* Statue – 24 Hour
  • Other Material* Statue – Multi-day
  • Fabricated Statue**
  • Virtual Statue***

Statues should be self-supporting and sculptural (three dimensional) 

*Other materials could include such things as sand, clay, wood, LegoⓇ bricks, styrofoam, metal, glass, and plastic. 

**Fabricated (e.g., 3D-printed, cast, machined) statues must be original designs by participant(s) (not templates) and will be judged separately from other materials.

***Virtual statues include 3D drawings, animation or other virtual designs.

Statues must include a name and title/caption (e.g., Sigma Mu Delta, “Oh No! It’s the Loch Ice Monster” ). 

Statue descriptions may be included in the entry form. Please see example below. 

“The legend of the Loch Ness Monster becomes a chilling reality for two hapless fishermen on Loch Ness. The fisherman in the front of the boat is frozen in terror while his companion continues to reel in his catch. A few fish poke their heads out of the water to view the scene. The backdrop is a looming Scottish castle from which an ominous Scotsman drones on his bagpipes in honor of the monster’s visit from the depths. A two by four is used in the axis of the Scotsman as are thin wooden dowels in the individual pipes of the fishermen. Rope, string, and a thin wooden dowel are used in the fishing pole.”

Additional coloring (beyond your material base color) may only be used in the lettering of your group’s name, insignia, or statue title/caption. Coloring is limited to the statue title block; absolutely no coloring can be used on the statue itself.

Statues will be judged based on photos and entry form submitted. Winners will be announced February 4, 2021, and featured in a special Winter Carnival Alumni eNewsletter in February.

Entry Forms:
Use this form if you have a Gmail account
Use this form if you do not have a Gmail account

Email questions to

Alumni and Friends Virtual Book Club

Beginning January 12, join us as we journey along with Michigan Tech alum, Vic Foerster ’74, as he recounts some of his many adventures on his beloved Isle Royale. Through Naked in the Stream, we will travel with Vic and his friend, Ken, observing nature, the people they encounter, and the absolute laws of mother nature.

This experience will be both via live “zoom” coffee chats (weekly on Tuesdays from 2-2:30pm) and optional written discussions. Vic will join us at the conclusion for a live author address!

Week 1: January 12:  Chapters: Prologue – Little Brothers and Sisters

Week 2: January 19:  Chapters: Of Moose and Wolves – From the Water

Week 3: January 26:  Chapters: Top of the Food Chain – The Waves of  Minong

Week 4: February 2:  Chapters: The Crossing – Men, Women, Canoes and Kayaks

Week 5: February 9:  Chapters: Fishing for Words – Naked in the Stream

Week 6: February 16: Author Address

Click here to register today!

Don’t forget to pick up a copy of the book so that you are ready to make the journey with Vic and Ken to Isle Royale!

If you have any questions feel free to contact Heather Sander, Assistant Director – Alumni Programming at or (906) 487-2466.

Giving Tuesday — December 1, 2020

#GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.

GivingTuesday was created in 2012 and has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.

How you can participate:

Support any area of campus
A gift to Michigan Tech or any specific area of campus will help us prepare students to create the future. Give now.

Help Michigan Tech students through scholarships and fellowships
Scholarship/fellowship funding is Michigan Tech’s top strategic priority. This is especially true now with the need created by COVID-19. Donor-funded scholarships/fellowships come through two sources—the Annual Scholarship/Fellowship Fund and the Endowed Scholarship/Fellowship Fund. Learn more.

Make a gift to the Husky Emergency Assistance Fund (HEAF)
The HEAF has been established to help provide financial relief for the Michigan Tech campus community (students and employees) who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of crises (including COVID-19). Donate to the HEAF.

Donate food or resources to the Husky Food Access Network
The on-campus food pantry has helped hundreds of students in their time of need. Make a financial donation or email to coordinate a food donation during social distancing protocol.

On the last GivingTuesday (December 3, 2019) the global giving day generated $2 billion in giving, just in the United States, and inspired millions of people worldwide to volunteer, perform countless acts of kindness, and donate their voices, time, money, and goods.

Join the movement! Make a gift to Michigan Tech on Tuesday, December 1!

In Memoriam

June 1, 2020 – September 30, 2020

Class Name Degrees
1942 Stanley F. Kramer Jr ’42 BS Mechanical Engineering
1943 Dr. Michael Lauriente ’43 BS Metallurgical Engineering, ’46 MS Metallurgical Engineering
1949 Lyle W. Barden 49 BS Forestry
1949 Thomas F. Hruby ’49 BS Mining Engineering
1949 Russell A. Johnson ’49 BS Forestry
1950 Franklin M. Eastland ’50 BS Electrical Engineering
1950 Lawrence H. Jacobson Jr ’50 BS Forestry
1950 George E. Jewell ’50 BS Forestry
1950 Donald L. Martindale ’50 BS Forestry
1951 Duaine K. Wenzel ’51 BS Forestry
1953 George W. Lizenby ’53 BS Forestry
1954 David P. Cicchi ’54 BS Mining Engineering
1954 Paul J. Gottwald ’54 BS Forestry
1954 Thomas E. Smith ’54 BS Business Engineering Admin, BS Forestry
1954 Jack C Watson ’54 BS Forestry
1955 Leonard J. Arasim ’55 BS Forestry
1955 Dr. John P. Daniels ’55 BS Forestry
1955 Clarence W. Hultman ’55BS Mechanical Engineering
1955 Auvo I. Kemppinen ’55 BS Metallurgical Engineering, ’56 MS Metallurgical Engineering
1955 David E. Ottoson ’55 BS Forestry
1956 George J. Krawchuk ’56 BS Forestry
1957 William O. Maki ’57 BS Forestry
1957 George H. Sheppard, Jr. ’57 BS Forestry
1958 John S. Budzinski ’58 BS Chemical Engineering
1958 Michael T. Kenney ’58 BS Mechanical Engineering
1958 Owen D. Marjama ’58 BS Metallurgical Engineering
1958 Richard L. Slocum ’58 BS Metallurgical Engineering
1959 Jack E. Horak ’59 BS Forestry
1959 Orville J. Vanderlin ’59 BS Forestry
1960 Ronald N Wallis ’60 BS Mechanical Engineering
1961 Raymond L. Anderson ’61 BS Civil Engineering
1961 Gary H. Gay ’61 BS Mechanical Engineering
1961 Dr. Raymond W. Kauppila, P.E. ’61 MS Engineering Mechanics
1961 Hugh M. McKee ’61 BS Mechanical Engineering
1962 Robert G. Artis ’62 BS Forestry
1962 William E. Morden ’62 BS Forestry
1963 Richard A. Greketis ’63 BS Metallurgical Engineering, ’65 BS Business Engineering Admin
1963 Peter M Tomlinson ’63 BS Forestry
1964 Cecilia J. Faw ’64 BS Chemistry
1964 Dr. Edward S. Neumann P.E. ’64 BS Civil Engineering
1966 John B. Mitchell ’66 BS Electrical Engineering
1968 George F. Blass ’68 BS Mechanical Engineering, MS Mechanical Engineering
1968 Robert C. Stohl ’68 BS Business Administration
1969 George W. Beeby ’69 BS Business Administration
1969 Daniel E. Bush P.E. ’69 BS Mechanical Engineering
1970 Larry R. Gifford ’70 BS Mechanical Engineering
1970 Michael W. Hill ’70 BS Business Administration
1970 Harry J. House ’70 AAS Forest Technology
1970 Raymond J. Rought ’70 BS Civil Engineering
1971 Joseph Mark Krcmarik ’71 BS Civil Engineering
1971 David E. Rakoniewski ’71 BS Medical Technology
1973 Dennis E. Fritcher ’73 BS Metallurgical Engineering
1974 Paul L. Just ’74 BS Chemical Engineering
1975 Thomas P. Wells ’75 BS Civil Engineering
1977 Robert S. Thayer ’77 BS Forestry
1979 Paul J. Trasti ’79 AAS Nursing Technology
1980 Richard J. Kemmer ’80 BS Business Administration
1981 Bertrand A. Cresswell ’81 BS Business Administration
1981 Ralf G. Grisard ’81 BS Forestry
1981 Martin L. Swim ’81 BS Electrical Engineering
1984 Patrick J. Prus ’84 BS Mining Engineering
1985 Paul F. Smith ’85 BS Electrical Engineering
1986 Dr. Shu-Zu Lu ’86 PHD Metallurgical Engineering
1986 Bruce M. Sartorelli ’86 AAS Electromechanical Eng Tech
1987 Katherine M. Foster ’87 BS Forestry
1987 Eugene F. Hammond ’87 BS Business Administration
1987 Joseph P. Periard ’87 BS Computer Science
1988 Richard C. Nelson ’88 BS Electrical Engineering
1989 Todd E. French ’89 BS Physics
1990 Darrell E. Reed ’90 BS Civil Engineering
1991 P. Steven Raeder ’91 BS Forestry
1992 Pauline Joy Easterling ’92 BS Business Administration
2002 Michael P. Chipman ’02 BS Mechanical Engineering
2004 Ryan P. Walega ’04 BS Computer Science
2014 Coleen E. Huling ’14 BS Civil Engineering

Remembering Professors Filer, Julien, and Kieckhafer

Robert F. “Bob” Filer passed peacefully in the presence of his wife Debby on July 2, 2020, due to complications of Parkinson’s Disease, at Canal View where he had been residing for a year. His wife visited with him twice daily until COVID struck and then she faithfully sent reassuring love letters each day, with photographs, to hold him close.

Born in Greenville Pennsylvania, raised by his loving parents Charlotte and Robert Filer, his childhood was idyllic. During high school he worked part-time at a Chevrolet Dealership and, when he graduated, he received the Class Physics Award. Bob earned a Five-year Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering at Gannon College and became licensed as a Profession Engineer in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.  
Bob served in the US Army from 1964-1965, and then in the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard, being Honorably Discharged from the US Air Force in 1974 as a 1st Lieutenant.  

He was employed by Pennsylvania Electric and McGraw-Edison in both Pennsylvania and in Ohio. Bob was then employed as a Project Engineer at Systems Control, in Iron Mountain Michigan. His professional experience greatly benefited his students, as a Professor in the Electrical Engineering Technology Program at Michigan Technological University, from 1975 to 2003, retiring as a Full Professor with Emeritus status. 

Bob married Marilyn (Smith) Filer, having children Mark, Kristan, and Anne. Later he married Barbara (Stover) Filer and, with her, had his fourth child Sarah. He and Debby (Bose) Filer met in 2002, married, then retired from Tech and created a loving and energetic life together. 

He was a member of the American Society for Engineering Education and the First United Methodist Church.  He supported Relay for Life many years.  Bob was an outdoor man and enjoyed tennis, scuba diving, bird-watching, white water canoeing, camping, hiking, mountain biking, cross country skiing, and snowshoeing. Bob also valued hiking in New Zealand where he, with Barbara and Sarah, spent a sabbatical year teaching at the Central Institute of Technology. He was also a runner and completed Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth. 

He and Debby added indoor “spinning” and rowing workouts to their activities. They also began to road bicycle together. Bob and Deb, with four of their children, rode Minnesota’s “Habitat 500” eight years, a 500 mile 7-day bicycle ride supporting Habitat for Humanity.  All of the funds they raised they contributed to their local Copper Country Chapter. He and Deb also relished traveling to visit their eight children and to hike National Parks.  Bob credited his wife Debby with postponing his illness and then delaying its progression by unfailingly encouraging their very active lifestyle and optimism.

He was preceded in death by his parents, friend Dale Walivaara, Barbara Filer, and his sister Mary Jane (Filer) Marx. Surviving are his loving wife Debby Bose Filer, blessed and privileged to marry her beloved and cherished husband; sister Nancy (Paul) Ceremuga of Pauline South Carolina; four children Mark (Gwen) Filer of Manitowoc Wisconsin, Kristan (David) Coleman of Irvine California, Anne (James) Walker of Oakland California, and Sarah (Beanie) Zollweg of Manhattan New York;  four step-children, Lydia (Fabian de Kok-Mercado) Gregg of Ellicott City Maryland, David (Kristina) Gregg of Portage Michigan, Dan Gregg of Ypsilanti Michigan, and Jane (Philip Hofer) Gregg of Seattle Washington; five grandchildren, Calvin, Amelia, Cody, Chloe, and Madison; five European High School exchange students; and numerous nieces and nephews. 

—Courtesy of O’Neill Dennis Funeral Home.

Larry Marlin Julien passed away August 27, 2020 at home in Houghton, Mi with family at his side after a 4 year battle with brain cancer and Parkinson’s.

Larry was born August 16, 1937 in Nora Springs, Iowa to George and Lorette (Swartwood) Julien. When he was 11 years old, he moved with his family to a farm near Fairchild, Wisc where he lived until he graduated from Fairchild High School in 1955. He then went to college at University of Wisc, Madison before enlisting into the Marine Corp from 1956 to 1958, leaving with the rank of Corporal to return to college.

He attended Univ of Wisc, River Falls, earning a BS in Chemistry and Math in 1962. He was Senior Class President; Captain of the Wrestling team, State Champion heavy weight wrestler 3 years and one year runner up, and National Champion wrestling runner up one year; Captain of the Football team and named All Conference Football team his final year. He was contacted by a pro football team inviting him to their team, but decided to continue his education. He was inducted into the first River Falls, Athletic Hall of Fame for both Wrestling and Football. During that time, Larry had 2 daughters, Sandra and Elizabeth from his marriage to Olga (Mazurak) Julien. He went on to grad school at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, where he received his Doctorate in Physical Chemistry in 1966.

After graduation, Larry knew he wanted to live and work in the northern Midwest, so he drew a line on a map between Minneapolis and Midland, Mich and applied to teach at 6 colleges that were located north of that line. He visited 5 of those campuses and was given job offers from all 5 of them. He chose Michigan Tech because he was so impressed with students all busy studying in the Student Union. He taught at MTU from 1966 until his retirement in 2000. Classes he taught included Physical Chemistry, Quantum Chem, Statistics, Advanced graduate P Chem, and Freshman Chem classes where he used lots of chemical demonstrations in his lectures. He developed and taught summers “Computers for the classroom” to High School Science Teachers from across the nation, (when many profs at Tech still did not use computers yet) and volunteered doing after-school science programs at local schools. He served 2 years as president of the University Faculty Senate, he was University Ombudsman, and was Marshal for the MTU graduation ceremonies.

Larry enjoyed fishing with all his kids as they grew up, and watching them all in sports, traveling to watch all their games and practices. He was a boy scout leader, a youth soccer and baseball coach, a softball player/coach, excellent bowler and played the NBA for years at Tech (noon basketball). He loved to watch his daughters in track, drill team, cheerleading, and figure skating practices and competitions. He loved to take week-long adventures in canoes to fish the remote rivers of Canada with his friends, and sons when they got old enough to join these trips. He liked living in the country, especially living on Lake Superior for 35 years in a house he and wife Connie built themselves at the end of a long road. Larry was a friend to all he met and was always willing to listen or help them in any way he could; and all his kids agree he was the best dad ever!

After retirement, Larry enjoyed 18 holes of golf every weekday morning in the summers and then chatting with friends every morning at downtown cafés in the winter. He and his wife Connie (Thompson) celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary on August 23rd.

Larry is survived by his wife, Connie, a brother, Randy (Jane) Julien of Fairchild, Wi and sister Janice Pierce in Menomonie, Wisc. Daughter Sandra (Chuck) in Woodbury, MN who have 3 children, Samantha, Patrick and Jeff Nordeen. Daughter Elizabeth (Dave) in Woodbury, MN who have one daughter, Kimberly Doerr (soon to be a Physician.)

Larry married Connie (Thompson) Julien in 1982 and they have two sons. Jason (Tara) who have 2 preschool children, Chase and his sister Charlie Julien in Waukesha, Wis. Jonathan (Jennifer) have 2 preschool girls, Esrey and Malone in Houghton.

—Courtesy of Memorial Chapel and Plowe Funeral Service.

Professor Roger Kieckhafer was an inventor, engineer, researcher, educator, veteran and valued faculty member of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He died on Friday, July 17, in a tragic vehicle-bicycle accident. He was 69.

The loss to the faculty and staff in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the College of Engineering is immense. We will not recover quickly from the shock of his death.

Roger received his bachelor’s degree in nuclear engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1974 and earned his master’s and PhD in electrical engineering from Cornell University in 1982 and 1983, respectively. The years between were spent in service to the US Navy as a nuclear officer aboard the Trident missile submarine USS Abraham Lincoln. He also supervised the construction of the USS Indianapolis. His time in industry was also well spent, producing several patents that were licensed to Allied Signal, now Honeywell Corporation.

Roger was fond of classical music, particularly opera, and sang in the Copper Country Chorale, often accompanied by his daughter, Maggie, on organ. He also sang in the prestigious Pine Mountain Music Festival, including the premiere of the opera “Rockland,” based on the story of the 1906 miner strike in Rockland, Michigan.

Roger was instrumental in creating the computer engineering degree program at Michigan Tech. Working with Dr. Linda Ott in the Department of Computer Science in the College of Sciences and Arts, he bridged the gap between two departments in two separate colleges, crafting a program that educated hundreds — a new breed of engineer steeped in both worlds.

Even after the development of the computer engineering program, Roger’s collaboration with the Department of Computer Science continued. “We worked together on a strategic hiring initiative, multiple curricular issues, reorganization discussions and countless other issues,” said Ott, the chair of the Department of Computer Science. “Roger was always supportive. He clearly believed that we would have stronger programs working together rather than competing.”

Roger was a strong advocate for the ABET accreditation process in the ECE department. He led the initial ABET accreditation of the Computer Engineering program. The procedures and processes he set in place then are still in play nearly 20 years later, guiding the department’s subsequent accreditation for both its electrical engineering and computer engineering degrees.

In the words of computer engineering faculty member Kit Cischke, “For Roger, it always boiled down to what was best for our students. The content of our classes. The things our students needed to know to get good jobs. The assignments. The kinds of things they needed to do in the real world. Students were forever contacting Roger after graduation, saying, ‘Thanks for teaching me that. I’m using it every day in my job.’”

Over the past few days, Roger’s former students have reached out to express their grief and sadness. They have shared how much Roger meant to them during their time at Michigan Tech and how well he prepared them for the success they enjoy today. One of those students was Joseph Rabaut. In his words, “I can’t tell you how devastated I am. Dr. Kieckhafer was an amazing person and one of the best professors at Tech. He helped me a lot throughout the past few years, giving me advice and recommendations, and helping me understand computer engineering. I don’t really know what else to say, because words can’t really describe losing him.”

Roger cared deeply for his students, his family, and his profession. I think that may be the source we can draw upon to comfort our own sense of sadness and grief. The impact he had on hundreds of lives will shine on.

And, as we move forward, his legacy will live on. As suggested by several people, a scholarship fund will be set up in Roger’s memory.

—Written by Glen Archer, Interim Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Roger’s official obituary can be read here.

Things I Learned at Michigan Tech

A thread on Facebook allowed Michigan Tech Alumni to share nuggets of wisdom acquired in the Copper Country. Below are some of those responses. Add yours in the comments below!

Nerds rule … Numbers don’t lie … “Because research has proven it” is an acceptable answer … People with toolboxes have a lot of acquaintances … Make friends with the people with the keys … Euchre is an art form … Invest in quality jumper cables. 
—Jerry Myers

Snowbanks at the end of your driveway somehow become magnetic, and will suck cars into them … Hiking boots are always in fashion. So is flannel … It is possible to walk uphill, both ways, to school.
—Carla Martinek

Brooms are meant to be clipped, taped, and used on ice.
—Rebecca Miner

F=MA … Physics is fun … You can’t push a rope.
—Brian Hobbs

Chemistry says if you soak the rope and freeze it, you can push it just fine.
—James Learman

Keep a snow shovel in the car at all times.
—Megan Kreiger

“It depends” is a legitimate answer for many engineering questions (courtesy of Jim De Clerck).
—Ross Hogan

Anyone with a Michigan Tech sticker on their car is a friend I have not yet met … Pizza and a beer is always an acceptable dinner choice … Chili is good over rice.
—Caryn Turrel

Taco Bell tastes better when you drive 100 miles for it.
—David Wressell

“Pank” is a real word.
—Jim Desrochers

Floormats make great traction aid devices … Always supervise friends “borrowing” your garage and insist on the use of jackstands.
—Alicia Steele

Cafeteria trays are actually sleds.
—Robin Book

When shoveling, throw snow back as far as you can in the beginning of the season.
—Tanya Bedore