Advanced Metalworks Enterprise Joins in Promoting Steel Industry Jobs

Contrary to popular belief, the death of the steel industry has been greatly exaggerated. In fact, steel is booming, more than 200 Michigan Technological University students who gathered to talk with industry leaders learned at Michigan Tech’s first annual Steel Day, held earlier this week.

Michigan Tech’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the Advanced Metalworks Enterprise and the student professional society Materials United worked with the University’s Career Services to organize and publicize the event, which was funded by the Association of Iron and Steel Technology (AIST)


Expo 2013 Winners Announced

The 13th annual Undergraduate Expo was held on Thursday, April 18, 2013 in the J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library.

The winners of the Michigan Tech Undergraduate Expo Awards have been posted. Congratulations to all the winners.

The Undergraduate Expo highlights hands-on, discovery-based learning at Michigan Tech. Nearly one thousand students in Enterprise and Senior Design teams showcase their work and compete for awards. A panel of judges, made up of corporate representatives and Michigan Tech staff and faculty members, critique the projects. Many of them are sponsored by industry, which allows students to gain valuable experience through competition at the Expo, as well as direct exposure to real industrial problems. The Expo is a combined effort of the College of Engineering and the Institute for Leadership and Innovation.

Enterprise Video Playlist
Check out the preview news story

UP Health Care Network Helps Mobile Wellness Systems

submitted by Paige Hackney, Institute for Leadership and Innovation

The Upper Peninsula Health Care Network (UPHCN) agreed to match donations received for the student-run Mobile Wellness Systems project, which is converting a 15-passenger van into a mobile health clinic for Ghana. The UPHCN gave their matching donation to the team on Wednesday at an event held in the Rozsa Lobby. Administrators from UPHCN, Aspirus Keweenaw, Baraga County Memorial and Portage Health Systems were in attendance.

High School Enterprise Team Wins National Award

by Jenn Donovan, public relations director
A team from Dollar Bay High School, part of Michigan Tech’s High School Enterprise program, has won the national George B. Hartzog Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service in the youth volunteer category. Their teacher, Tech alum Matt Zimmer, will accept the award from the National Park Service in Washington, DC, on Feb. 21. Tech’s Department of Engineering Fundamentals is purchasing airline tickets for two of the students to accompany him.

Michigan Tech Undergraduate Expo 2013:

Michigan Tech Undergraduate Expo 2013
When: Thursday, April 18, 2013
Where: J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library, 3rd floor
Time: 8 am to 3 pm

To register, visit Student Info page

Be sure to check out these additional competitions and opportunities for Expo teams (these are all optional):
1) Submit additional images for the Undergraduate Expo Image Contest – Click here for more info

2) Submit a team video for display on the Expo YouTube Channel – Click here for more info

3) Design a MindTrekkers activity for school children

4) Register for the Michigan Tech Patent Disclosure Competition – more details coming soon!

Attention Alumni, Faculty, & Friends:
Interested in judging at the Expo?
Please click here to register.