Dear Campus Community, Racial equity has been at the forefront of national news for the last several months following the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. Achieving racial equity on a national scale has to start small and must include equity in the workplace. Did you know that almost ⅓ of American . . .
A recent Presidential Executive Order and Office of Management and Budgets memorandum are critical of diversity training. In this week’s ADVANCE Weekly Roundup we are sharing an article which highlights research done on the effectiveness of diversity training. The article notes numerous studies that find that diversity training coupled with institutional action can result in . . .
Lack of transparency is a primary complaint nationally among faculty who experience inequitable workloads. A potential solution is the development of faculty work activity dashboards organized at the departmental or college level. These dashboards can assist in identifying and correcting equity issues within your unit. Today’s Weekly Roundup features research from ADVANCE programs at the . . .
While the representation of women and minorities in higher education administrator roles is climbing, these individuals still face significant discrepancies in pay. Representation in primary roles is lower than in supporting administrative roles. “Women are paid less than men in nearly all administrative positions, as are people of color,” which is linked to how much . . .
Biases, or “the stories we make up about people before we know who they actually are” reinforce unequal treatment of groups of people. Institutions must take specific actions to progress to more welcoming and inclusive environments. This week’s ADVANCE Weekly Roundup features an article in Nature that highlights 5 tips to boost diversity and inclusion . . .
Microaggressions are “silent destroyers of a university’s climate.” They are often unintentional, indirect, or subtle instances in which a statement or action marginalizes an underrepresented group. Microaggressions affect people and groups long after the actual experience. Thus education and avoiding microaggressions is critical to improving campus climate and the focus of this week’s Weekly Roundup. . . .
The efforts of faculty parents to balance work and childcare has recently been brought back into the spotlight given the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an urgent need for strong institutional responses to alleviate the additional burdens of limited childcare facilities. Retention of faculty and staff parents is highly dependent upon our community supporting all members . . .
The focus of today’s ADVANCE Weekly Roundup article highlights that requesting pay history in job applications can increase bias and offer discrepancies. By simply ceasing to ask applicants about pay history, we can make significant strides toward a more equitable and inclusive hiring process. In fourteen states, this is ingrained into hiring laws; however Michigan . . .
Repeatedly tapping minority ethnic and gender groups for additional service responsibilities can disproportionately burden these academicians. As these burdens accumulate and begin to impact their scholarly activities, they experience what is known as “cultural taxation.” This week’s edition of the ADVANCE Weekly Roundup features an article from Nature in which five researchers from minority ethnic . . .
Candidates’ “fit” with the job, the hiring unit, and the campus is deemed critical yet this is a determination that can be quite subjective. Empirically, such determinations account for only 20-25% of the decision to hire or not. This week’s edition of the ADVANCE Weekly Roundup features a 2020 article from The Journal of Higher . . .