Tomorrow Needs Tech: A Podcast with President Koubek

Welcome to Tomorrow Needs Tech, a series of podcasts with President Koubek and prominent Michigan Tech alumni, discussing topics like computing, leadership, industry, and diversity.

Listen below, or you can also find Tomorrow Needs Tech on the following platforms: SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher, and TuneIn.



Podcast 1: Tomorrow Needs Computing

Michigan Tech President Rick Koubek sits down with alumnus Dave House ’65 to talk about Michigan Tech’s future as a leader in computing and technology.

What You Said in July about Tech……

From “What are some of your favorite Keweenaw Camping Spots” on Facebook

Silver Mountain and walking from Wads downtown for stress relief at shoots & ladders” -Ericka H.

We used to rent canoes from Wads and camp on a rough 2 track on Lake Fannie Hooe. Never saw another person unless we canoed by the fort.” -Joe N.

Camping on the White City beach near Jacobsville” -Kirk O.

Camped on Rock House Point several times. (Off limits now, I think.) Also Keystone Bay was great camping, and I think it’s been off limits since the fire out there 10 years ago or more.” -Christopher H.

“McLain State Park for camping, the Breakers at McLain for beaches” -Kayla G.

5-Mile Point, where we’d swim and have bonfires in the 80’s and where I proposed to my wife in ‘95 😀…which is now private property with lakeshore houses and “No Trespassing” signs” -Pete M.

“Back side of the Great Sand Bay Dunes” -John C.

From “Here’s a quick tour of campus” on Facebook

I got 2 years until I come for the reunion…. Probably a visit next year for good measure.” -Richard L.

I love you and I miss you MTU” -Monica W.

“Things have changed in 60 years. For the better.” -Richard M.

From “Any memories from this Michigan Tech historical building? Hubbell Hall.”

Learned Something new today about campus!” -Denise L.

That building was still in use when I attended MTU in 1966…….Bill P. MTU alumni, BS Math, 1966.” -Bill P.

“That’s where I was on the day President Kennedy was shot. Classes were dismissed and we all went back to the dorms (DHH for me) to listen to the radio broadcast.” -Wayne T.

“My math major home 60-64. Fisher Hall was under construction my senior year and opened for classes the Fall after I graduated.” -Andrew P.
“Was the Administration Building when I began at Tech. Registrar on first floor and library in basement. Still have this building on my Balfour class ring.” -John D.
Took a number of math classes in the building in the mid 1950s – mostly pleasant memories.” -Patrick D.
Historical old building but open central wood stairs fire trap. Remember the coils of rope near top story windows” -Dick W.
I was going to tell the story of the rope fire escapes but you beat me to it. As a frosh the window well was my assigned seat until enough dropped out to get a real desk. Was most happy to not have to be the one to kick the window out if necessary. Back in the day as they say…..
Class of ’64.
” -Bud P.
I graduated BS Met Eng in 68. We were promised that, because of its historical significance, it would never be torn down. Bloody shame.” -Bob S.
From “Dave Chamino passed away on July 5th” on Facebook
Dr. Chimino was a good prof. His teaching style was excellent. The tests were very tough, even though he swore he didn’t intentionally put answers on the multiple choice that were results of miscalculation. I learned a lot from him.” -Tim B.
Great professor, one of the many at Michigan Tech. I remember Dr Chimino, the Physics class I took was what we called “Physics for Majors”. I was not a Physics major, but Dr Chimino was the one who taught me we have no room for error in the “major” class, of course because every answer I would get was a choice on the sheet (he would calculate wrong answers based on typical errors in the calculations, making you think the answer was right). Funny thing, when I went on to teach at MSU and in industry, I did the same thing, and people hated it. 😂😂😂. RIP Dr Chimino.” -Mark T.
His syllabus always started out with us behind. He was great.” -Sarah W.
Sad Day for a superb Professor.” -Robert M.
He could draw a perfect circle on the blackboard. Consistently.” -Ken H.
“The famous perfect circle AND every possible wrong calculation on a test being one of the possible multiple choice answers.” -Gary M.
If asked how he drew perfect circles he would reply “Maintain a constant radius”” -Ed E.
From “The 2019 Alumni Awards are Here” on Facebook
I can’t wait to get there for my 10 year reunion in 2021!!” -Richard L.
From “Are you ready to take on our Mobile Escape Room” on Facebook
The Forestry Alums who work wildland fire will have no issue getting through your escape room.” -Matt O.
From “What are your favorite Keweenaw camping spots” on Instagram
“The hidden ones you can only really explain by taking someone there” -wherin_the_world_is_erin on Instagram
“Beta Gris hands down” -dogsma02gkk on Instagram
From “Exploring the Keweenaw” in the Alumni Blogs
“There is certainly no shortage of memorable and adventurous places in the MTU area. Several of my Forestry program friends and I (Bill R., Bill T. and Lee G. – all ’64) made a point of visiting many of them. My favorites, however, were those which brought a combination of adventure, exploration and solitude. I think of places quiet and isolated, and places once occupied by a past generation, and now abandoned. To stand there in 1960-64, as the sun was setting, was to imagine those past times and life events. I recall particularly Red Ridge and Freda, the Cliff mine, and Keystone Bay at the tip of the Keweenaw. In more recent years I have re-visited some of these sites with family. While still intriguing, I’ll probably never recapture the nostalgia of some 55 years ago.” -Ted R.
From “Remembering Professor David Chamino” in the Alumni Blogs
“His physics demonstrations were THE COOLEST and for a visual learner like me, permanently ingrained the lessons in my brain.” -David P.
“Dave Chimino was a definite inspiration to me. In my own career as a physics professor, Electomagnetic Fields was always my favorite course to teach, but I could never draw those perfect circles. I did use a lot of colored chalk though.” -Robert L.
“Dr. Chimino was the very best instructor I had while a student from 1968-1972. He made physics come alive for me, and took it from a dry, calculation-driven world into a place where I eventually developed a true sense of wonderment. I will never forget when he was drawing a complex system of circular motion, and laughter broke out in Fisher 135. He turned and said, “What, did I make a mistake?” And the answer from someone in the front row was “No, it’s just those perfect circles! How do you do that?” Dr. C answered, without hesitation, “Well, I just keep R constant.” Perfect!” -Michael A.
“Once when asked how he drew those perfect circles, his reply was “Keep a constant radius.” His demonstration with the spinning bicycle wheel and a stool with a swivel seat is also memorable.” -Gregory S.
“Dave Chimino was a personal friend as well as a mentor. We worked together on his idea of video taped lectures as I had a background in broadcast video when I came to Tech. One summer many years later, when Dave had an internship at Lawrence Livermore Labratories, we met and toured their nuclear fusion project. Dave’s reaction? “That’s what I call mega-buck physics”.
R.I.P. my friend.” -Jon W.

“Professor Chimino had that magic gift of teaching, on often difficult to understand principles, to hard-headed physics students like me such that we actually learned the stuff. Yes, he could draw well on the chalk board, and that helped, but he also had that rare ability to explain, even show us, what the “things,” or abstract physics ideas, in his lectures, were all about. We actually learned, thanks to him.And, thanks to Professor Chimino, and a few others like him, a lot of us physics types made it and, perhaps, even helped move the science forward a mm or two. Only time will tell. But what is for sure, is that no one was ever better at lecturing Physics than Professor Dave Chimino.” -C. John U.

“The spinning bicycle wheel was great. We laughed about it for weeks, but we got the message. I also remember him writing on the board with one hand while he erased with the other. Better be quick at taking notes!” -Dave S.

“I thought of Prof. Chimino often during my career as his Electrical Measurements course was very much like what my early job tasks were like in the nuclear power field. The lab for that course was two credits and was the hardest two credits I ever earned but the lessons were life long. I was also lucky enough to take his general astronomy class. At that time he was in the planning stage of his observatory. People like him made Tech the special place it is.” -Tom M.

“Prof. Chimino had the knack of turning an equation into a tangible reality, which made it enormously easier for students to grasp the principle embedded in the equation. I’m sure that ping pong balls and strobe lights were never used so effectively in a physics class anywhere else. While I am saddened to hear of his passing, his presence still looms large; in a very beneficial way.” -Paul M.

“Dave was my adviser 1958 -1962, and gave us an oral final exam in Electricity and Magnetism, which I think he had a photographic memory, because when asked a question during our problem solving lab, replied “go to page 207, and in the middle of the page…….”. This petrified most of us with an oral final pending, No BS gonna happen.” -Sam L.

“My wife and I both enjoyed a pretty spectacular time in Tech History when we had the one two punch of Chimino for Physics, and Berry for Chemistry. Sadly, both have now passed. While Berry made us all quiver with fear, Chimino’s class was a blast- he always had demo’s- Block sliding down planes, the spinning bicycle wheel, perfect circles, and other oddities that kept our attention and made us remember the concepts. And I remember quivering with fear after waiting in Fisher Hall to see the posting of the exam grades. Ten questions 100 points. And every possible answer you could come up with if you took the wrong direction in your thinking. For instance, the square root of the answer, or the negative, or whatever mistake you were most likely to make. His lessons will always occupy a smiling part of my brain.” -Steve A.

“Professor Chimino would often draw circles and other curved surfaces in his optics classes. What was really amazing is he would draw a seemingly perfect circle freehand in one motion, then he would check it using a compass.

One of his best projects was undergraduate physics lab in the basement of Fisher Hall.” -Ned E.

“I had Dr. Chimino for an optics class. He made learning fun and yes the perfect circles were scary cool. RIP” -Reid S.
“Taking PH204 and PH205 from Professor Chimino was one of the best experiences I had in my early career at Tech (next to ME223). The ability to draw a perfect circle free-hand was, as others have noted, absolutely legendary. As was the vaporizing screwdriver / capacitor demo. But he was much more than a great lecturer with interesting presentations. He had a reputation of being a ‘tough’ instructor but a very equitable one as well. And a dry sense of humor. I remember an exam where he stood watching me use my LEFT hand to do right hand rule vector cross product directions. I realized what I was doing about the same time I realized he was watching me – with a huge grin. I’m sure he was thinking ‘I got another one of those MEs’!!! He’ll be sorely missed…” -Gary H.
“Of course the circles and bike wheel. But he was the one who ‘calibrated’ me to prepare for Tech when on day one he said, “Hope you remember your lessons, we start in Chapter 3.” He will be missed. Hope you are circling the stars!” -Paul S.
“Two memories that pop into my head from time to time: (1) 8 am lecture, middle of the winter, bleary eyed and sitting in the Fisher lecture hall. All of a sudden music comes blaring over the loud speakers (don’t remember exactly what, but that it had a catchy acoustic bass line). Just as suddenly the music stops and Chimino walks in like nothing happened and starts his lecture. (2) discussion about F=ma and units, he pulls out a metric kilogram weight to illustrate inertial mass and then without the slightest change in expression hoists a concrete cinder block out of nowhere to illustrate the imperial slug.” -Dave R.
“40 years later and I still remember those perfect circles! Excellent professor. I REALLY learned Physics and it was enjoyable.” -Stephen K.
“An appreciation of physics is at the core of every engineering student’s tasks. Many thanks to Dr. Chimino and happy memories of his guidance.” -Al C.

Reunion Recap & Photo Gallery – 2019

Alumni Reunion By the Numbers

Total attendees at Reunion 2019
Events available to alumni packed into three days during Reunion 2019 (plus 18 departmental open houses)
From Florida to Washington and California to Connecticut, alumni traveled from 31 different states to attend Reunion 2019 (plus two other countries)
Decades of class years represented by alumni at Reunion 2019 including two representatives from the class of 1949!

Alumni Reunion Photos

Alumni Kickoff — 185 Attendees

Tech Talks — 141 attendees


ME-EM Ranger Tour — 69 Attendees


Pasty Dinner — 185 Attendees



President’s Breakfast — 198 attendees

Husky Hustle 5K Run/Walk for Scholarships — 70 Attendees


Canoeing the Sturgeon River — 22 Attendees

Research Vessell Agassiz Boat Tour — 86 Attendees

Stuff a Husky!

Remembering Professor David Chimino

Former physics professor and Michigan Tech alumnus, David Chimino, passed away on July 5, 2019. Professor Chimino graduated from Michigan Tech in 1948 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Physics and served as faculty in the Department of Physics for 42 years, teaching physics and astronomy.

During his tenure, Dave received the Distinguished Teaching Award and was appointed the rank of Presidential Professor for his outstanding teaching. As stated by former college dean and provost, Max Seel, “Dave’s endearing claim to fame was that he could draw perfect circles on the chalkboard in physics class. Everyone who went through his introductory physics lectures remembers.”

Sue Hill had an undergraduate class with him and said, “Dave was friends with his students. He always had time to talk to us.”

Professor Chimino built a private optical observatory in Atlantic Mine, named Amjoch after his parents. He was active in community outreach sharing his Cosmic Journey science lectures and after retiring as faculty, mentored Michigan Tech students pursuing their high school teaching certification in science and math. Dave will be remembered for his spirit of generosity and kindness.

What memories do you have of Professor Chimino?

What You Said in June about Tech……

From “Flowers are blooming here in Houghton” on Facebook

“I miss the long UP summer days! It stays light so late.” -Sarah W.

“The spring snow lol!” -Eric H.

“Spring…. I always liked that day.” -Andrew W.
“Great lift Bridge. I remember blasting the new road entrances to the bridge on the Houghton side and the old concrete swing bridge structures circa 1961” Robert M.
I was beginning to wonder if UP was skipping spring and summer altogether this year” Denise L. 
“The main thing I miss about Houghton in the Spring, is that it meant the end of the school year was in sight. And I’d go back to Detroit to make money in the summer. To come back in September and start it ALL OVER again…” Courtney F.
“The peace and quiet!” Kathy G.
“I miss the bitterly Nort cold winds, blowing horizontal snow, and the 30 or more below zero straight temperatures going for an 8 o’clock In the Hubble Hall…. shows my age. This was never da Tech dat down for enyting Ya but, ya den, er Ok just kidding. 🗜” Dennis J. 
” look at that!! It probably snowed later in the afternoon 🙈” -Adwait B. 
From “The Ranger is out to Isle Royale this morning” on Facebook
” Went mid Sept 1984, for 4 days. Took the smaller boat from Copper Harbor, got seasick going to Rock Harbor. We about had the island to ourselves. Virtually no bugs. Beautiful. Great memories” -Steven B. 
“I have taken so many to the Island. Flown out, Ranger out, maybe time for a kayak before I get to old!” -Jan B.
From “Take a quick walk with us through campus” on Facebook
“Thanks! A lot has changed since I arrived 50 years ago, but the only time it looked like this was the first week of classes, so it made me a little nervous? Covered in snow with students leaning into the wind carrying toot bags and sporting slap sticks would look more familiar!” -Joann P.
“I was there over 55 years ago and the ROTC bldg doesn’t look any different.” -Robert B.
“Thanks a lot for this walk, i had been here 2 years ago, it was a very magnificent stay in ECE an Wadsworth Hall❤” -Kaouther B.
“It has been 20 years since I’ve seen the place.” Bill S.
From “SpaceX successfully launched “Falcon Heavy” on Facebook
“How awesome to hear the narrator mention Michigan Tech student’s project that got released a few minutes into the video!” -Connie J.
“It was actually today at 2:30am EDT. My son, Peter ‘16, was part of the team invited down to attend the launch. He’s now a Satellite Systems Engineer with Northrop Grumman. I was up at 2:25am to watch it live. It was amazing!” Ann K.
“Being a Controls Engineer, It still floors me that they can land a pencil on it’s end like that!! Just amazing.” -Tony W.
From “A Brief History of the Tech Trails” on the Alumni Blogs
” I did use the Tech Trails during my time at Tech, but I don’t remember them being called anything other than the “trails by the ice arena.” They were not developed, marked, or even level. They were ruts running through the woods. I was in Air Force ROTC, but the Army ROTC offered PE class called “ranger training” or “cobra training.” Almost all the Army cadets participated, only a few Air force cadets did. I was one of them. In the fall, we learned to rappel first on campus in the ROTC building and then Hungarian Falls. The Army cadre were the instructors. I also remember one of them going down the side of the ME-EM building I believe. During the winter we learned to cross country ski and snowshoe using Army equipment that doesn’t look, weigh, or operate like todays cross country skis and snow shoes. The skis were large and weighed a ton, they looked like they were made during World War II. The snow shoes were not much better. We did all our cross country skiing in the area of Today’s Tech Trails. These trails were rough, extremely hilly, not wide at all. The only saving grace was cross country skiing was not popular at that time. We rarely ran into anyone. We would be skiing all day on Saturday or a week day afternoon and only see one person or no one. It was just us cadets using the old logging trails and I believe an old power right-of-way. I only can remember one “bridge” across a stream bed. We didn’t do much skiing per say, it was work and very tiring back in the day. I remember one area that was straight, somewhat level and we could actually ski, the rest of the trails were work!!” -Ed E.
“Used to ski and dirt bike on the trails in the 70’s.” -Paul C.
“I went to Tech from 74 to 78, and bought my cross country skis during summer break specifically because of the trails. Learned all about waxing my new bonna skis. None of my buddies skied so I was learning on my own. The trails were a challenge for sure. Pretty narrow and up and down. I remember how quiet and beautiful it was with all the powder snow. I also took a phys ed class in orienteering put on by the ROTC, which took place in the woods the trails were in.” -Scott P.
“My Tech years were 68-72. I remember carrying my canvas book bag into what later became the trails to find a quiet place to study. In those years I didn’t need to go very far in.” -Rick H.

“Took up cross country skiing and probably skied 3 times a week. No lights back then, but you could easily ski the trail on a moonlit night if you were familiar with the trail.I remember often being the first person on the trail (not many even skied my first 2 years) after snow. So first time around I was breaking trail. My memory might be off, but it seems like my freshman year we had a record 390″ in the Copper Country.” -Kieth R.

“I attended Tech from 1952 to 1956, which was before “Tech Trails” existed. There was a decent trail in that area, but I was usually the only user. My routine was to go to classes from 8 to 10 AM three days a week, then wax my skis for the day’s conditions and drive to the start of the trail. I would run 2 laps around the course, then be back to the campus in time for a quick lunch and shower followed by a 1 PM class. Many mornings the branches of the brush would be coated with long ice crystals, which were absolutely beautiful in the morning sun. Although I had never even seen a pair of cross-country skis before I arrived at Tech, over the years I was able to become sufficiently proficient to take second place in a meet at Duluth with the university there, and finished third in the 1956 National Cross-Country Championship at Ishpeming (while most of the better competitors were out west competing for an olympic berth.)” -Steve L.

“I loved cycling Copper Countries roads in Fall and Spring (’75-’77), but once the snow flew, the bike was put away and the XC skis came out. A quick circuit around the trails after class and before dinner in Coed dining hall refreshed me before hitting the books in the evening. Trails then were ungroomed. A misstep off two-track created by skiers and you were likely to be waist deep in powder. Now that I’m in Boston area where winters are unpredictable — rain changing to snow or snow changing to rain — I miss the days of being able to walk up the hill, step into 3-pin bindings, and enjoy the quiet beauty of snow-covered woods.” -Mike S.

“I attended Mich Tech from 76 to 82. What I remember about the area was a large block of woods cleared for the SDC in 79, and much of the woods East of the SDC having a lot of large mature Northern Red Oak. Only a few trails went through the woods. In 1980, much of the commentary on campus centered on what a white elephant the SDC was. ( It really didn’t start to be heavily used until late 1981. Most of us preferred to use the familiar, old gym – which is now an arts center ! )” -Gene B.

“I finished there in 1980. I don’t remember any trails. I do remember that I wouldn’t have had any time for recreation. Those professors kept me quite busy. However, I did not have to walk 5 miles to Campus uphill in both directions in a snowstorm. (Just uphill in one direction with an occasional snow storm)” -Dan
“Used to grouse hunt back there in the mid 60’s. There was a cemetery back there that we’d go beyond & we found pretty good Pat cover. We’d also jump a rabbit once on a while. Only way we had to cook was with an electric coffee pot! We’d fill half full, drop in the spice pellet from a package of Lipton Chicken Soup then insert the cleaned bird or rabbit & cook until the “coffee ready” light came on. It was actually pretty good.” -Tom H.
“I attended ’75 to ’79 and like Mike S. (one of many XC skiers on 4th floor East Coed who got me interested in the sport) loved to zip up the hill several times a week and get a quick XC ski in before dinner at Coed Hall. I remarked often how nice it was to know there would be snow and so you could plan to go any day or time and have a good experience, unlike West MI where snow was plentiful but unpredictable. Many good stories shared over dinner about people’s experiences skiing that day. I also ran XC for Tech and we spent many hours running those trails as a team and on our own. There is nothing like running forested trails and Tech’s were some of the best . . . except the day I landed wrong and broke my ankle on a training run. Lastly, ROTC also used the trails to teach an ‘Orienteering’ class as part of the PE program. It was close to the best class I ever took. Four courses every week, four two-hour time slots during the day. I think it was on Thursdays. A great day was being able to run all four courses because I had no classes on Thursday that quarter. Loved those trails.” -George B.
“We hunted ruffed G. there in 1960-61, no trails. also snowshoe up from married housing, was great for some one with out a car. My new wife learned to snowshoe there, all forester’s wives need to know how to use snowshoes”-Bob P.
“I ran Cross Country for MTU ’72 -’75 Joe C. and John H. taught me to Nordic Ski during the winter of ’72-’73. I was racing in two weeks. Most of my workout training was on the trails behind the ice arena and tennis courts. I was staying with Bill “Axle” A. in West Houghton and would enter on the trail south side of Houghton.” -Steven B.

“I went to Tech from Spring ‘73 thru Spring ‘76 living up in married housing with my wife Karen. My first experience with the Tech trails was on a dirt bike prompted by a friend John S. We spent many a days riding the trails along with another friend in our building, Dale T. One memorable experience was when the three of us were riding the trail when John lead us up a challenging hill off the trail. Dale made it up about 3/4 of the way when he bounced off a fallen tree and went down. He quickly jumped up and started doing what looked like an Indian rain dance. What had happened was he kicked up a nest of bees that were now taking their revenge out on him. He had to abandon his motorcycle there and we got him back home to treat the many stings. So John being a scuba diver either he or Dale went back out to fetch the bike in full scuba gear. I went along keeping my distance and will never forget that day.

I took up x-country skiing the winter of 74/75 when we had about 370” of snow. That year another couple living in our building, Glenn and Gale Mroz, who along with Dale and Liz T. and Karen and myself would go out skiing on the trails on the weekends. By our return from Christmas break the snow was deep enough that it was easy to build a snow ramp that let us step over the 4’ fence that suppurated us from the cemetery behind our apartment. So it was clip on the skis out the back door and head into the woods. On one of those days it was Gale Mroz who when going down a down hill run that curved to the right with a drop off on the left marked by short post, caught the tip of her left ski on one of those post and snapped the front of the ski off. That was a fun trip back on a ski and a half. So those are some of my memories of the Tech ski trails.” -Len E.

“Cross Country alum, ’95-’00 on the “old” trails before the current version was built. We ran for Gary N. Lot’s of intervals. Hairpin and Ks on the old railroad grade. ROTC put in some small wood-chipped loops where the stadium is now in ’97 or ’98 I think. Very hard to run fast in fresh, loose chips. 🙂 The GLIAC CC meet has been held on the trails twice. In 2000, starting on one of the softballs fields adjacent to the trails. And in 2013 using the current stadium. I believe Tech hosted that meet in 1994 also, but on the golf course.” -Ryan T.

“Back in the late 1960’s Tech had a motorcycle club and we used to ride the trails after classes and held an off-road enduro event and a motocross event there in 1969 & 1970. After class it was a good way to burn off some extra energy and frustration as at that time Tech had about 28 Toots to 1 Tootet” -Anthony C.
“I graduated in 1979 and used the Tech trails a lot to Nordic ski to school in the winter as I was living up on Volin Place and had good access to the trails” Doug R.
“Brought my graduation gift a too big for me Schwinn High Plains up in 93 and realized it wasn’t going to cut it for Mtn Biking the Tech trails. Bought 2 GT’s from Cross Country Sports in Calumet over the next 4 years. Got the opportunity to bring my son up two years ago with my vintage 96 GT Zaskar to ride the trails. Big change over when I last rode them in 98. He arrives Monday morning to participate in the Summer Mtn Bike Camp! (We got flooded out last year!)” -Scott W.
“I learned to mountain bike on the Tech Trails, ’97-’03, before the current flow trail phenomenon. At that time they were classic mountain bike trails – tough, rough, technical climbs, downhills without bermed corners, logs that weren’t logs, not carved into jumps. I credit my technical skills with riding on the tech trails 6 days a week. We used to grind through at least one drivetrain (chain, rains, cassettes and rim brakes) a season because the mud was prevalent and super abrasive. There was no formal map, you learned from friends and by exploring. Having those trails 10 minutes (and quite the climb) from campus was perfect for a quick after class lap session.” -Nick Chope
“I went to Tech 90-94. I used the trails for skiing and mountain biking. Love the trails. Don’t remember lights. I remember just finding my way around and by the end of 4 years knew them very well. Couldn’t believe the system available to me so close to where I lived. Spoiled!” -Jen
“I took a phy ed course in orienteering in Fall ’80, and we ran these trails with a map and compass looking for punch stations. I tried to keep up with a guy who was on the Nordic ski team who knew all the trails.” -Glenn B.
“Hiking, skiing, snowshoeing. That’s where I went to get away, get some peace and alone time. Saved my sanity (I think? Mebbe not…). It was so beautiful in winter. 1970’s.” -Dave B.
“I went to Tech 70 to 75. In 72 I discovered skiing and have been doing it ever since. I miss how close those trails are compared to here. However, you can’t beat the season here–I skied from the week before Thanksgiving to June 5th this year!” -John G.

Exploring the Keweenaw

A tradition amongst Michigan Tech students is experiencing the beauty provided by the UP, and it’s lovely Keweenaw Peninsula.

Whether you’re a hiker, skier, mountain biker, or just like the beach, the Copper Country has an outdoor activity and location for you. Below are some of our favorites. Tell us yours in the comments below!


                                  Freda                                               Snowshoeing the Frozen Lakes                                                         









                                                                 Hungarian Falls








                            Local Scenes                                                          Isle Royale








              Mouth of the Gratiot River                                    Eagle Harbor








                         Lake Medora                                                   Douglas Houghton Falls












                        Brockway Mountain                                                   Prince’s Point

Ignite Innovation in your Workplace

Visit the beautiful Copper Country in August and learn how to bring Innovation skill sets and mindsets to your organization by attending the inaugural Ignite Innovation workshop at Michigan Tech. By attending this experiential and highly interactive workshop you will

  • Identify the ignitors and extinguishers of innovation
  • Develop & practice the tools of innovation
  • Examine your own story of innovation
  • Apply the design thinking process to your team and envision how to grow and expand its innovation capabilities
  • Leave with a plan to ignite innovation within your own team/organization

Please complete the registration form to indicate your interest in attending. Space is limited, so apply early. Cost to attend this 2-1/2 day workshop is $1500. Your workshop facilitators have been trained in the design thinking process developed by Stanford’s and made famous by IDEO. Proceeds from the workshop will go to support student scholarships and travel.

Apply Now!

A Brief History of the Tech Trails

Map of Michigan Tech campus

Depending on when you were on campus, your memories of the Tech Trails may be much different than what they are today. Michigan Tech’s 540+ acres of forest just up the hill from the main campus mall has seen many different uses and iterations over the years.

Currently, the Tech Trails are one of the nation’s top Nordic skiing facilities. It has hosted numerous U.S. Ski Association (USSA) Cross Country National Championships in addition to regional college races in both skiing and cross country running.

Aerial view of Michigan Tech campusIn its past, we’ve heard stories about the Trails being used for dirt bikes, snowmobiles, camping, ROTC exercises, and even hunting.

Mike Abbott has a long history at Michigan Tech and was part of the group that developed the Trails. “When I started working here, the Trails were just a path in the woods. We used an old box spring pulled by a one-lung snow machine to groom snow for skiing.”

Michigan Tech Trails mapNow, the facility boasts nearly 40 kilometers of groomed trails (7K of lighted ski trails for early morning or evening skiing in the winter). In the winter, uses include skiing, snowshoeing, snow (fat tire) biking, and skijoring (skiing while being pulled by a dog). Running, biking and dog walking are popular uses in the summer. The use of the Trails for mountain biking continues to grow with two flow trails and a pump track available along with the 40K of regular trail. Other portions of the Tech Trails acreage are used for paintball in addition to the Tech Outdoor Adventure Program’s high ropes course.

A big reason why the Tech Trails have evolved into an outdoor recreation wonderland is former president Glenn Mroz.

Michigan Tech skierIn 2001, Mroz and several others devised a plan to develop the trails as a way to secure funding for the Michigan Tech varsity Nordic skiing program. The vision for the project also included the creation of a facility that would be a differentiator for the University and attract outdoor-loving students.

Mroz, who was then dean of the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, proposed that revenue could be generated from timber harvesting to support the team and upgrade the Trails. Since 2002, the facility has gone through numerous upgrades: enlarging the stadium area and widening trails to host races, building bridges and stopping erosion issues, adding buildings to house equipment and provide space for ski waxing, and installing signage throughout the trail system.

So how did you use the Tech Trails? Leave your comment below.

What You Said in May about Tech…..


From  “Students Tap Into the Science of Brewing” on Facebook

Brewing is the perfect blend of art, science, engineering and magic!” -Jeff R.

“I wish they had this when i was there! All good though, i am in the brewery industry now!” -Ted M.


On “Houghton will be hitting 70 degrees today!” on Facebook

“Driving out to the beach by breakers and just watching the waves and sun!” -Denise L.

“1970 laying out in swimsuits and using Co-Ed Hall as a wind breaker.” -Suzanne B.

“Summer… Heading out to Hancock Beach with friends and the Pig Roast at Al’s Halfway” Greg S.

“18 inches of snow, on MAY 01, 1984 (MAY 01); summer — both summers of 1987 and 1988, in graduate school” -Todd H.

“Between my Freshman and Sophomore years, I visited in mid July and camped at McLain. I remember reading a book on the beach by natural light until about 11:00 at night!” -Brady L.

“My best spring memory is the snow of every morning in Houghton every day i get up i see the mixture of winter and spring blue sky, birds sing everywhere and a thin layer of snow cover the land what wonderful morning” -Kaouther B.

“Spring Fling Party at Theta Tau…at the old house” -Greg S.

“Sailing on Goldilocks in the Onigaming Yacht Club” -Jim M.

“I spent 2 summer semesters at MTU and the weather was unbelievably beautiful. Actually had a heat wave come through and had 2 big box fans going in my room in West McNair.” -Thomas S.

“I was in school 1980-1984, remember the happiness of snowmelt and enjoying the sun and doing bud burst check for Forestry. The first summer I got there beautiful weather, temps and my first introduction to the grand and cold Lake Superior “ Diane W.

“I did my civil engineering summer survey work in 1961. Houghton County has the biggest baddest Mosquitos and Black Flies in all of North America. As I revisit campus I point out the WMPL radio tower across Portage Lake and tell any who will listen that I once determined the bearing from a pin on the hill behind campus across to the base of that tower.” -Bud P.


From “Pep Band Truck Memories” on Facebook

“New parent here. So this is the pep band truck?! My son is so excited to play. He marched and played in pep 4 years in high school and cannot wait to joint the fun. And he does play a mean trumpet! Have to say!” -Julie M.

“No truck in my day (95-00). But we did take a bus to Milwaukee to play at an Admiral’s hockey game and played at the downtown mall.” -Chris R.

“Teaching the crowd the ORGY Chant (Teamwork) during Halloween, dressed as an angel. I think it was my Junior year. 2001/2002.” -Ward R.      

“Was part of the band when we got the first overalls. Concertmaster with Don Keranen. Lots of cowbell at hockey games at the Dee!” -Paul G.

“I remember Jake and I creating the “Bull Sheet” in an empty math class room. We used the Daily Bull, blew it up, then put it on a transparency. We were going to hand write the lettering, but then I thought the bull looked so good, it deserved better. So, got on MS Word and found a decent font, typed it up, and put it on a transparency slide too. I can’t remember if it was 2001 or 2002. I used the picture of the Bull to put it on a paper plate and on a stick, so make a “bull stick”.. The Bull Stick didn’t quite have the staying power as the Bull Sheet. I would take it to basketball games, hold it up, and yell “stare at it for hidden meaning”..” -Ward R.  

 “ Truck? We didn’t need no stinking truck in the 80’s. We had all possible color of overalls. I was one of the first to wear the black and gold, but we had Red/Which, Red/yellow/ White. Got to go to the playoffs once, And I’m pretty sure my band was one of the reasons we were banned from NMU stadium :-)” -Mary S.

“I was one of the leadership staff members who proposed getting a truck of our own years ago. Just based on how often we used it, especially with more road trips, and how much motorpool was charging us. Nice that they finally made it happen! Shame it was only after I left. Haha” -Matt B.

“ We didn’t have any truck nor wore black and yellow overalls when I played in the band 65 to 68. We played in the balcony in Dee Stadium. Never played at GLI but did go to Duluth two years. All male band at that time.” -John D.

“ My very first parade with the pep band. I don’t remember a lot, but I do remember the BA!s playing tag, walking through Burger King, and a small group of us ended up behind some of the crowd watching yelling, “how bout that pep band!” To get them to cheer, then turn and laugh.

“Overall, I knew this was the perfect, crazy, funny, witty group for me. I already had a leaning towards being that kind of a sports fan, but the pep band really allowed me to spread my proverbial wings having fun, and adding a lot of commentary during games, that I do hope was mostly funny and witty. I still act that way now. It usually is a hit with the crowd around me. Especially when I was living in New Orleans. Now, that’s a town that understands fun.” -Ward R.

“We had to hand carry our stuff (1977 – 1982), up hill in both directions, day and night, and in the snow (only from October to June)…” -Ken S.


From “Houghton will be hitting 70” on Instagram

Swimming at Bete Grise after a day of surveying summer camp”  -dogsma02gkk

“anything summer related our group did up there haha” -lol_epa_5.8

“Houghton Beach and surveying Mt Ripley during summer surveying” -mtuhusky4life

“Hitting the beach at Chutes and Ladders Park after spending the day locked in the lab.” -kittylatuszekart

“My wedding ❤️at the MUB Ballroom decorated with local summer wild flowers!” -mayramor24


From “Hey Huskies, Name these falls!” on Facebook

Memories with Jessica D. t and Natalie there. One summer in undergrad we made a bucket list to visit as many falls in the UP as possible together… We had an awesome time exploring” – Jennifer J.

“I believe this is Sturgeon River Gorge. ?? If so, I took my Orientation team there at the end of O-week one year. Purely thanks to the two students who were lifeguards wading downriver from me, it is the only water jump I have ever made.” -Meghan M.

“ Canyon falls. You need to go to the 33 foot drop to jump in!!!! hopefully there’s still a rope hanging there to get back up” -John V.

I was last there in November 2017. The spray was freezing on the rock walls. MTU 1977.” -Kenneth H.


From “Flowers are blooming here in Houghton!” on Facebook

“ I loved the spring but hated the black flies” -Denise E.

“The main thing I miss about Houghton in the Spring, is that it meant the end of the school year was in sight. And I’d go back to Detroit to make money in the summer. To come back in September and start it ALL OVER again…..” -Courtney F.

“I was beginning to wonder if UP was skipping spring and summer altogether this year” -Denise L.

“Spring…. I always liked that day.” -Andrew W.

“I miss the long UP summer days! It stays light so late” -Sarah W.

“Great lift Bridge. I remember blasting the new road entrances to the bridge on the Houghton side and the old concrete swing bridge structures circa 1961.” -Robert M.

“I miss the bitterly Nort cold winds, blowing horizontal snow, and the 30 or more below zero straight temperatures going for an 8 o’clock In the Hubble Hall…. shows my age. This was never da Tech dat down for enyting Ya but, ya den, er Ok just kidding. 🗜” -Dennis J.


From “The Ranger is out to Isle Royale” on Facebook

“I worked at the lodge the summer of 1975! Great hikes, cruising around the island and the Moose . After 42 years I am returning for a weekend long visit in a few weeks ! No snow I hope !” -Jan G.

“Went mid Sept 1984, for 4 days. Took the smaller boat from Copper Harbor, got seasick going to Rock Harbor. We about had the island to ourselves. Virtually no bugs. Beautiful. Great memories” -Steven B.

“I crewed on the Isle Royal Queen a couple times. Good times.” -Tony W.

“I enjoyed a fabulous week on the Island back in the summer of “77”.” -Kevin D.

“Hubby and I went there for our 25th wedding anniversary. Gorgeous weather, best memories.” -Chris P.

“We hgt took orange royal right after graduation, was awesome . Loved the loons in the morning!” -Dan

“Went there with the Mariner Senior Girl Scouts when I was a senior in high school in June 1961. Got sun poisoning while there. Who would have thought. Great memories.” -Irene W.

“I have taken so many to the Island. Flown out, Ranger out, maybe time for a kayak before I get to old!” -Jan B

“My introduction to the area was a Troop 13 Boy Scout Trip to Isle Royale in 1972 with Russ Ferguson and Mark Hawkins. A trip of a lifetime with lifelong friends. MTU Mechanical Engineering 1980.”  -Jeff S.

“Taking 45 min. to cook our pancakes one at a time on a 1 burner backpack stove, all of them peppered with black flies.” -Tom W.


On “When did you Become a Husky” blog post

I became a Husky when the other 5 members in my carpool from L’Anse transferred or flunked out and I had to find a place to live in Houghton and became involved in lots of activities at Tech outside the classroom.” -Robert L

“So glad to see continued numbers of engineers graduating again this year. I am from the class of 1980 and I was hired several times during my career because I was a graduate of MTU.” -Linda H.

“I became a Husky on that late September Saturday in 1967 (classes started the last week of September in the good old days) when a fellow Fraser High grad and myself arrived for the first time. The Wads RA came to us and said “come on we’re all going to see a movie” – I knew it was the place for me.” -Greg S.

“I was in 5th or 6th grade when the family drove into town on US 41 from Chassell on a camping vacation. We passed the sign which said “Welcome to the Michigan College of Mines and Technology”. I thought that was SOOOooo cool, and determined then and there that I wanted to go there for college. And, so I did. I became a Husky during my first quarter by absorbing Huskyism from the older students I was surrounded by. I believe God gave me the unique skills I have to be an engineer, and I’ve had the privilege of honing those at MTU, and using them through my 43 years (and counting) career in the mining industry.” -David P.

“I became a Husky in 1971, a few minutes after entering Doc Berry’s CH101 lecture. Four years later, I shared an elevator in the ChemMet Building with Doc Berry. I was flabbergasted when he still knew my name!” -Dave C.

“I became a Husky when I was in 5th grade when I decided to become a forester. I graduated in 71 with a degree in forest management. I went on to complete a 38 year career with the US Forest Service as a reforestation specialist and timber sale officer, in N. California. What a great time I had at Tech with G. Hesteburg, Hammer, and Johnson to name a few.” -Fred K.

“I guess I became a Husky in 1961 when my family moved to the top of Center St. in Hancock. My dad got a job teaching business law at Tech and that was that. I ran off to the Navy after HS and found out what I didn’t want to do so I came back and went to Da Tech when I found out what I really WANTED to do. I joined the Vet’s Club and started running around with this girl after I ran into her on the ice rink… 45+ years later the rest is history.” -Jeff B.

“I became a Husky for a few reasons: I grew up in Calumet; my oldest brother was in the MTU Class of 1972; and, several of my friends went to MTU.” -Daniel K.

“I grew up in L’anse, and always felt an attraction to Tech. But my time as a Husky started when i received my acceptance letter to Tech in September of 1987. I was the first in my high school class accepted to not just any college, but clearly the best college! Since then, i have two degrees from Tech, and have lived and worked all over the country.” -Andrew L.

“I became a Husky back in the early 60’s helping my Dad survey around the library as the road M26/US41 was re-routed to where it is today. I was 6. Growing up a little north of Tech, I was able to follow and attend hockey games at the Dee and Winter Carnival. It was an obvious choice to attend MTU, being the best value for the money and close to home. Education at MTU has provided me with an exceptional career and one that I continue to love.” -Michael P.

“I became a Husky in 1962 when they had National Champion Hockey teams (with Tony Esposito) playing at Dee. I went to MTU because it was and still is the best engineering school in Michigan. I liked the small campus. School size was 2700, slightly larger than Muskegon High School, 2100 for three grades. I have MS in Transportation Engineering from MSU but the campus is huge. At MTU I learned to drink beer, eat pasties and crude persona. Tough school but I made it in 4 years, barely.” -Randall T.

“Oh, yes I became a Husky in September 1967, I was involved it seams in everything, except Hockey….” -Frank T.