Tag: Enterprise

Intellectual Property Day October 4, 2016

Attention Enterprise Teams – please see below for details on Intellectual Property Day. The sessions can be very helpful and relevant to your Enterprise projects and activities.

Enterprise students are welcome and encouraged to attend any and all sessions and must sign up for each session individually. For session descriptions and registration info please visit:  http://libguides.lib.mtu.edu/ipday


Fall 2016 Rekhi Innovation Challenge now Open

—-Attention Enterprise Innovators!—-

The Vice President for Research Office and Pavlis Honors College are now accepting projects for the Rekhi Innovation Challenge, a crowdfunding competition whose aim is to promote student innovation and entrepreneurship through the use of Superior Ideas. The Challenge is open to Enterprise teams* whose projects include an innovative approach to an important design challenge or market need. Various awards will be given, and the team raising the most money through Superior Ideas will receive a 100% match up to $10,000!

*Note: Industry sponsored projects and Advanced Motorsports (AMS) teams are not eligible to participate. A separate AMS crowdfunding challenge is being planned for Spring 2017.

A kickoff workshop will be held on Thursday September 22 from 2:30-3:30 in the Pavlis Honors College/722 M&M. Interested teams are encouraged to send a representative to this session for Q&A and to review overall expectations of the Rekhi Innovation Challenge.

To participate, please read the following information for teams, advisors, and the application form.

Any questions can be directed to Natasha Chopp at nichopp@mtu.edu.

Wege Prize 2017: “How do we create a circular economy?”

Enterprise Teams — please see the following announcement regarding this year’s Wege Prize competition.

What is Wege Prize?

Wege Prize is a yearly student design competition that gives teams of five the chance to collaborate across institutional and disciplinary boundaries, use design thinking principles, and contend for $30,000 in total cash prizes, all while helping to show the world what the future of problem solving looks like.

Who can participate?

Teams must be comprised of undergraduate students, have exactly 5 team members, include at least 3 different academic disciplines, and represent at least 2 different institutions of higher education (institutions can be defined as Schools or Colleges within the same University).

2017 Design Brief:

Rules and Timeline:


Wege prize 2017 timeline

2016 Winners:




Fall 2016 Registration: Enterprise Course Offerings

The following Enterprise courses are being offered for Fall 2o16. New courses are indicated with (*).

ENT2961 Teaming in the Enterprise: Develops group problem-solving skills. Stresses interpersonal skills and skill assessment, communication, group process and teamwork, and action planning. Uses active, hands-on learning.

*ENT3953 Ideate, Innovate, Create!: Whether starting a business or working for an established company, creativity and innovation are keys to success. Course will explore creativity tools and techniques such as design thinking and human centered design to help generate ideas that provide value to society.

ENT3954 Enterprise Market Principles: Examines the fundamental principles of marketing in the six stages of product life cycle (opportunity identification, product development, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline).

ENT3956 Industrial Health and Safety: Instruction of health and safety in engineering practice. Integrates the study of health and safety regulations, risks, and potential for improvement. Also covers the tremendous financial, ethical, and public relations implications of disregarding this critical aspect of engineering.

ENT3958 Ethics in Engineering Design/Implementation: The focus of this course is on ethical considerations in the engineering design and implementation process. Basic ethical analysis tools will be explored through various exercises. Students will analyze and present life engineering ethics case studies. 

ENT3959 Fundamentals of Six Sigma I: This course introduces tools used for process improvement focusing on the DMAIC approach used widely in industry today. 

*ENT3963 Explore, Develop, Execute! (formerly Technology Commercialization): If you have an idea that you believe addresses a need and could lead to commercialization, this course will help you to explore the path from idea to market through customer development, value assessment, business model planning, and execution.

ENT3964 Project Management: Project definition, developing a work breakdown structure, responsibility assignment and milestone development. Covers techniques for project scheduling and practical application of Gannt and PERT/CPM charts; resource management and application of critical chain method; project budgeting and cost estimation; project monitoring, control, evaluation, and termination; and project teams, their structure, and interactions. 

*ENT3979 Alternative Energy Technology: This course covers a wide range of alternative energy technologies with an emphasis on chemical and biochemical processing. Technologies covered may include biofuels, solar power, fuel cells, etc. 

*ENT3982 Continuous Improvement Lean Principles: Fields from engineering through the social sciences are adopting continuous improvement using Lean principles to make their organizations successful. The evolution of these principles and the associated processes, methods, and tools are described and applied. 

*ENT3987 Naval Systems and Platforms: Learn how system engineering is used throughout the product lifecycle. Semi/fully autonomous ocean sensors and sensing platforms are developed and explored. Course provides both theatrical and hands-on learning. Laboratories develop experience in operating sensors/sensor packages, in oceanographic applications. 

*ENT4954 Global Competition: Emphasizes unique economic, market, and political risks faced by organizations as operations expand beyond domestic borders. Discusses establishing risk profiles to analyze new labor, product, capital markets on a global scale and appropriate market entry strategies. Small teams will do a risk profile and recommend market entry strategies for selected countries. 

Consumer Products Day and Enterprise Team Challenge!

Consumer Products Day is being held on Friday April 8 & Saturday April 9 and we’d like to offer an “Enterprise Challenge” to all other enterprises to create a team for this event.

Cash prizes (1st place teams $2,400, 2nd $1,600 and 3rd place team $800) are available to the winning teams. See the attached info for more details or visit our website.
Here’s how it works:
Students work in self-selected teams from a variety of majors and will be given a box of products from company reps to recreate or redesign these products for use in other ways. A great example of this is the Post-it note. It was invented solely by accident (read about it here). This Shark-tank style event will feature company reps who challenge students to come up with a new business idea from use of their products. This event, sponsored by Career Services in collaboration with Consumer Products Manufacturing Enterprise (CPM) features four companies on campus for the event; Amway, Kimberly Clark, Dow Chemical and 3M.

In order to promote the event, we are asking that you share this information with your enterprises. Students from the CPM Enterprise are also available to attend your enterprise meetings for maybe 5 minutes (start or end of meeting) to explain the event to your students. If you are interested in this, please contact Shelley Farrey mafarrey@mtu.edu in Career Services or Matthew Manning mmanning@mtu.edu of CPM Enterprise to coordinate your meeting time.



Rekhi Innovation Challenge Deadline Extended to Monday Oct. 26

Enterprise and Senior Design Teams and Advisors: here is your chance to secure funding for your innovative ideas! The deadline has been extended to encourage participation from more teams. A minimum of 5 teams is needed in order to hold the challenge.

The Vice President for Research Office and Pavlis Honors College are now accepting projects for the Rekhi Innovation Challenge, a crowdfunding competition whose aim is to promote student innovation and entrepreneurship through the use of Superior Ideas. This year, the Challenge has been opened up to any Enterprise or Senior Design teams whose projects include an innovative approach to an important design challenge or market need.

The competition runs from Nov. 1-Dec. 31 and projects must now be submitted by Oct. 26 in order to be considered. To participate, please see the information for teamsadvisors, and the application form.

Any questions can be directed to Natasha Chopp at nichopp@mtu.edu.

fall 15 rekhi innovation challenge