Category: Global and Community Engagement

What We Do

We are part of the Pavlis Honors College which is not your typical honors college as there is no GPA requirement to join. Instead, students are free to choose between pathways: global leadership, Peace Corps prep, enhanced enterprise experience, research scholars, new venture or a custom pathway. We are part of the global leadership pathway and our five week adventure in India is allowing us to fulfill our immersion experience.


We will be staying and working with the Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology (KVCET) located just outside of Chennai (Madras) in the state of Tamil Nadu. Our five weeks there will be spent working on the following projects:

SOLAR: We as a team are going to attempt to fund solar projects in the local village. There are two main projects, the first is to put solar streetlamps allowing for the village streets to be self sustained and allow for individuals to be productive even at the later times of the day. The second is to power the school using solar panels. The solar panels will supply the school with a more reliable source of electricity than the current Indian electrical grid which often goes out at inopportune times. The solar array will supply the school with cooling fans, lights, and even take home batteries to supply the families of these school kids with electricity in their own home.

GARDEN: The school currently has a composter system in place but they don’t have a garden to use it with. With notes from the students who traveled to Kunnankulathur, we have a location and dimensions to plan the garden with. While in country, we will work the group who will be in charge of maintaining the garden while prepping the area, building the foundation and placing the fencing. We are also doing research on what plants would be suitable for their environment and communicating with a professor from the school to learn about what the community would like to have.

WATER FILTER: There is currently a three tiered filter system in place where the final tier goes through a biochar filter. The biochar is in need of replacement so during our time in India, we will focus on making the biochar with the individuals who maintain the water filter system. We are also exploring ways to make the current system lighter as it is currently located on one of the roofs of the school buildings. The weight of the system is beginning to show signs of wear and tear so we’re hoping to transform the system into a two-tier system or find a new location to implement the system.

WATER PIPES: The current state of the school’s water pipes is in disarray. The current pipe system in the school is falling, leaking and cumbersome. Our goal is to repair their system. Currently the system leaks, gives out poor water pressure, and has the potential to cave in one of the roofs.

EDUCATION: We will be planning lessons for the middle school students at Kunnankulathur. While in India, we will be performing two science lessons: one based off of the composter and garden system that will be finalized while we are there and the other being of one around water filtration. We are also planning an American culture lesson that includes lots of pictures.

We are all very excited for what these five weeks have in store for us. Until we arrive in country, we are working hard to make as much progress, plan and prepare for the success of our projects. In addition to working on the above mentioned, we will be conducting interviews with community members in hopes to gain an idea of future project ideas to bring back to Michigan Tech for future students to work on and implement. It’s a very exciting opportunity and now we’re just counting down the days to departure…

Meet the Team

julianJulian Gabriel

I’m Julian Gabriel a 3rd year Mechanical Engineer. I come from Canton Michigan and have spend my whole life doing en gineering work. Previously I was the President, Designer, and Driver of Lighting Robotics team 862 in which we created a fully functioning, competitive, 120 Ib robot for my 4 years of High School. I currently work at Robert Bosch as a mechanical engineer and have been trying my hand at a number of different sections and tasks within the Bosch organization. At MTU I am a honors student as well as the President of Smash Club MTU, and the Vice President at MTU’s IEEE branch. Though my skills fall in line with engineering, my passion is helping people with my work, as well as working in diverse teams of people. I am very much looking forward to getting to know the culture, the heritage, and the people of India!

marcelloMarcello Guadagno

My name is Marcello Guadagno (left). I’m a third year majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Aerospace Engineering and International Leadership. I’m from Chicago, IL, and have spent a number of years living in Italy previously. Currently, I am a Team Lead in the Aerospace Enterprise, and coach in the Engineering Learning Center. After graduation, I plan to either pursue a Master’s in Aerospace Engineering or directly enter the Aerospace engineering field, with the ultimate goal of developing air/spacecraft componentry or leading design as a systems engineer. While in India, I plan to develop renewable energy solutions, energy-efficient refrigeration devices, and repair the water supply system for the school at our travel destination. I look forward to working with my team in a new and unfamiliar environment.


nicholeNichole Mackey

My name is Nichole Mackey. I’m a third year majoring in software engineering from Skandia, MI. I’m also minoring in Economics. After I graduate, I hope to work on autonomous vehicles, connected vehicles, and embedded systems. I’m also interested in the startup world. Here at Michigan Tech, I’m the vice president of Women in Computing Sciences, member of University Innovation Fellows and part of the Innovative Global Solutions Enterprise. While in India, I will be part of the team implementing a garden for the community to use their composter and aiding in water filter maintenance and pipe maintenance. I’m looking forward to the opportunity with working with the youth. I’m excited to travel with my team and experience a new culture!

aussieBrianna Neeb

My name is Brianna Neeb. I am a third year studying Scientific and Technical Communications with a minor in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. I am from a little town in Michigan between Grand Rapids and Lansing called Clarksville. After I graduate, I’m interested in working for nonprofits to help spread the word about them. I also love travel, so I am very interested in teaching English abroad. I would like to work in the countries that tend to make people nervous when I mention them (mostly ones in the middle east). Currently at Tech, I am not involved in a lot, as I work two jobs that require a lot of my time. I am newly involved with the Pavlis Ambassadors. While in India I’m going to be working on the pipe maintenance at the school we will be working with, along with implementing a garden to use the composter that was implemented by a previous travel team. I’m excited for the culture and curry.

meandmomSarah Wade

I’m Sarah Wade, I’m a 3rd year Electrical and Computer Engineering major. I am from Farmington, Maine which is about 2 hours north of the coast and 1 hour east of the New Hampshire border. I enjoy nordic skiing and am currently on the Nordic Ski team here at tech. I decided to go to India because I’ve always wanted to go back to Asia (I’m adopted from China) and this seemed like a good opportunity to go and learn about their culture while helping out as well. I’m also in the Aerospace Enterprise here at tech and am the Auris Payload Systems Engineer. When I graduate I’m not entirely sure what I want to do, but I think I want to work in the aerospace industry.