Tag: undergraduate students

AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellows Program

The AAAS seeks to increase public understanding of science and technology. They recognize the need for scientists who are able to communicate complex ideas to a general audience. The AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellows Program is a 10-week summer program that places college and university students at all levels of their education who focus on science, engineering and/or mathematics at media organizations nationwide. Fellows use their academic training as they research, write, and report today’s headlines, sharpening their abilities to communicate complex scientific issues to the public. Past AAAS Fellows have worked with such media outlets as the Los Angeles Times, National Public Radio, Philadelphia Inquirer, WIREDand Scientific American. If you are interested in learning more about this unique opportunity visit the AAAS website.

The deadline to apply is January 15th, 2016.

The Priya Haji Fellowship


True Ventures is offering The Priya Haji Fellowship which gives recent graduates the chance to join a startup as a full time employee. Haji Fellows are paired with companies in the True Ventures portfolio in the San Francisco Bay Area for a period of nine months. During the Fellowship, participants will develop foundational skills to help build their resume and expand their career knowledge of high-growth technology startups. Fellows will meet periodically with folks from True Ventures to discuss their progress and experiences. This fellowship opportunity is open to students completing their undergraduate degree in the spring of 2016. Applications are currently being accepted and those interested are encouraged to submit as soon as possible. The Fellowship will take place from September of 2016 through May of 2017. Women are especially encouraged to apply and will make up at least half of next year’s participants. If interested, apply here.

True Entrepreneur Corps Fellowship Opportunity

True Entrepreneur Corps (TEC), is a ten week summer fellowship designed to help undergraduate college students get a foot in the door in the startup world. TEC Fellows are matched with San Francisco-based companies where they spend the summer working on projects appropriate to their backgrounds and interests (both technical and non-technical). Additionally, the group gathers weekly for workshops and a speaker series to dig into the venture capital and startup processes. TEC 2016 will run from early June to early August and all fellows will be expected to live and work in the San Francisco Bay Area. True Ventures is accepting 12 TEC Fellows for 2016. If you are capable, hardworking and have a passion for technology and entrepreneurship, consider applying for this amazing opportunity. Applications are being accepted until January 31, 2016, however True Ventures encourages students to apply early as the 12 available spots are often filled prior to the deadline. If interested, apply here.